Creativity & being frugal
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
With me it's always about creativity & frugal living. Stretching that dollar. Sometimes I think I am the only person left who realizes that pennies are still MONEY. (My husband thinks it strange that I collect his pocket change & then use pennies & nickels - but even they can add up.) I have been so broke that I recycled can/bottles to get some extra $ to put in the gas tank...and sold off things like books. It helped me sift thru my stuff periodically. And needing extra $ really motivates going thru all the work of a yard sale!
Not that I am all that starkly frugal. I have always spent the $ I saved on small luxuries and on my clothes. The saying clothes make the man (or woman) is still certainly true. And being a female just requires more outlay, that's all there is to it. Lipstick and other make up and moisturizer - the list goes on & on. Men have no IDEA.
I read a lot & ironically hav efound it's cheaper for me to BUY old cheap books than to pile up library fines! So I look for books at $1 or less....And perusing books in used bookstores, etc. has often taken me to places that I would never have thought of going to otherwise.
And in this country there is so much for FREE. Calendars, pens, pencils, post-its and note paper...And all sorts of little stuff - key chains....I could go on & on. And now on the internet the freebie sites are terrific. I get stuff all the time - mostly in the health/beauty category. All delivered to the door.
The internet itself, once you get on it, it full of info and gratis stuff - like music, instruction, etc. I have used free library computers when I didn't have my own....And you can look at the latest fashions/trends without buying expensive fashion mags - which are only good for the pix, anyway!
I am probably the only person who like mailing lists & junk mail. I get lovely illustrated flyers from museums, etc. which I can make into greeting ards, etc. - as well as keep informed on the numerous free/cheap events.
Knowledge is power it was once said - and using your wits you can live very nicely on a lot less! I have even gotten free medication from the drug companies! And you can do research on the net so easily & find out how best to cope with any ailments - even first aid! (and avoid unnecessary doctor visits...) The more self-sufficient you are that way, the better, in terms of economy. And of, course, keeping yourself as heallty as possible is better than having to take care of illness - so I slurge on things like good food and vitamins,etc.
Funny, tho that I seem to see similar/same questions here over and over. The point is to LEARN how to cope. And use your noggin. A lot of the posts can be solved just by thinking about things - Like fabric care. But I LOVE it when something comes up that I hadn't thought of before. That's what really makes Thrifty Fun - FUN!
It's a game, you see - an on going game of life in which you try to see how many mental points you can get by saving - Like a slot machine of the mind - kaching! I got a bargain. Kaching! I got a freebie - Kaching! Kaching! Looked at that way, it really is fun - & not a chore at all to live this way - Don't you think?
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