stuff that lights a short fuse
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Do some people actually have more time than I? Really. I'm not kidding. Is there some universe or parallell dimension where people do in fact have more time than I do? Today, I saw a woman blowing the grass off her drive way. Where she parks her car. Outdoors. I think she has more time than I. And while we're on this subject...the whole yard/outdoors thing, can I just say I'm not too enamored of the whole new life, green leaves unfurling stuff. Now, I don't have to concern myself with merely the interior of my house, I have to pay attention to the outside as well. And the outside is full of dirt! I don't even attend to vaccuuming as often as I should (I found tinsel behind the drapes last week) and now I have to mow! Which is vaccuuming with a really dangerous Hoover. And don't get me started on garden hoses. They hate me...they really do. They act all docile and cooperative until I am rounding the corner and then...bam! I'm brought up short when the hose embraces the deck post. Sprinklers?? They never display the pattern they illustrate and tell me....when I select right or left ossillation, is it the sprinkler's right or left or mine? Needless to say, my yard is not someplace the Sertomas will hang a sign...well, maybe a black one. Thank goodness we live in the country and no one has a manicured carpet to abutt my mowed off mongerl lawn!
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