Bird Training and Christmas Lights for Calming Autistic Spectrum Children
Sunday, January 03, 2010
I am brainstorming on the following things.... what I can make out of a 24 pack of bath tissue paper, still in the plastic. I am going to try covering one with plastic and then covering it with a fleece blanket and sewing it together, to make a small ottomon for the kids rooms.
Also I intend to put twinly lights in my daughters bedroom, it seems to calm her down. Looking at which shapes for the lights to be in that would help her be calmest. I also intend to buy green lights the next time I see them and use them to calm her also.
I am wondering if it would be better to put them all in a large vase or receptacle she can see thru or to string them around the room.
I am going to research if a reptile light has the full spectrum of light and if it is ok to hang it up high in her room, to see if it acts like a full spectrum light bulb.
I am going to put a bag of fabric softener sheets in the car so I can rub them all over my clothes and put one in my pocket before I pump the winter, static seems to be so bad.
Really impressed with the kitten formula recipe I used on the last batch of kittens we all fostered and found homes was really nice and easy to make.
Making trail mix with Mixed Whole Wheat Cheerios, since the vitamin level is so high on it, it is great for the dogs too!
Still supplementing the dogs food with hamburger patties without the grease, because my food I buy for them is lacking in meat. I add a couple of dropperfuls of infant vitamins to feed four dogs, but the measurement is one dropperful for large dogs, 1/2 for medium dogs, and 1/4 for small dogs.
Found some great training tips for parakeets, In a nutshell, it is slowly bringing a finger towards to bird, slowly, the point is that when it tries to move out of the way, you slowly withdraw the finger....
This builds the birds confidence and when repeated will eventually allow the bird to not fly wildly around the cage when your finger comes towards it.
More advanced training...clicker use....take a piece of millet and point it at the bird, slowly bring it to the birds mouth, and if the bird runs pull it out again, slowly. Eventually when the bird takes a bite of the millet stick, click at the same time it does.
Once the bird loses interest, then stop....don't want the bird to think that you are nothing but a training drag every time you go to the cage...LOL
Advanced training not to be afraid of a chopstick or a small perch stick...offer the stick alongside the millet. If the bird avoids, then slowly move it back. If the bird takes a bite of millet with the stick parallel to it, click the response of the bird. Repeat, until bird is bored.
When this is learned, the bird can be taught to take a bite of millet all over the cage with the stick next to it..
Advanced trick is to hop over the stick to get to the millet, or to hop on the stick. This training requires no touching of the bird, but it is confidence training..this training is from Mr Womack called the Power pause....and it goes on to more advanced training. This increased my parakeets confidence who doesnt like people. My daughter did the training, and she is only 10 years old.
I am going to make a drip bottle this year with all the last years event's candles on it, birthdays, new candles bought, etc. It will have each childs birthday candles dripped on the side of it, and it will mean something besidees just a drip decorated bottle from candles. for all dog issues.
More coming soon!
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