Blog: Frugal Living in the US Virgin Islands

Living in paradise has many benefits, but is also very expensive! Having lived on a small island in the Caribbean for over seven years, I've learned many lessons on being frugal and yet enjoying one of the most beautiful places on earth!

Showing 1 posts from June 2010 for this blog.
It's been too long!
Saturday, June 26, 2010

I can't believe it has been over a month since I last posted. Guess I have been busy gardening and planting.

I received my seeds from Burpee, planted them in starter cups on the deck, and a half hour later a sudden downpour that washed all my seeds away! Ugh! So, what few I did manage to save seem to be doing pretty well. I have eight tomato plants in the ground, bunches of bush beans, carrots, and summer squash and cucumbers...which some little bug has nibbles almost all of the leaves off. I made a spray with dishsoap and hot pepper and sprayed them. They seem to be slowly coming back.

I also planted sweet corn, which is supposed to do well here in the heat. Of course it grows too tall to go into my garden (which is screened in with bird netting), so I planted them out and they grew about 4 inches in three days. Something munched a bunch of them as well, so they got sprayed too. Seems to have worked.

Today was mulching day. I had created a few beds filled with local flowers. The weeds got ahead of me, so had to do a major weeding, then spread 17 bags of mulch. I think I got my exercise today. Looks great. Isn't it so satisfying to accomplish something and be able to sit back and enjoy your hard work?

Lots and lots of rain the past few weeks. Probably about 11" to 15" inches total. It is hurricane season here now, so these tropical waves can occur anytime. The gardens loved it, and I have not had to water in a long time.

One of my friends manages a large house on the island. The gardener, is changing out plants all the time to get the garden the owner wants (and just  FYI, this house, if you can call it that, is HUGE, and it is the second most expensive house on island having sold, as a wedding present to the new owners, for well over 10 million dollars. Ah, to dream!). Anyway, I get all the plants he changes out! Woo Hoo! Last month he brought me buckets of plants. If I were to buy them they would have cost about $500 retail. I have planted all, and they are doing great...and they were free! Now my yard, which was just scraggly bush last year, is now crammed with tons of tropical flowering plants and shrubs. Gotta love that!

I hope everyone is well, and having a great summer!

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St. John, VI USA
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Just a normal 40ish year old guy that is waking up to the things that matter.

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