Winning stuff
Friday, August 20, 2010
Feel sortta bad that I have been neglecting my blog - but I haven't felt too inspired - it's summertime, maybe that's it....
But I keep up on my freebies - and I have actually WON some nice stuff - One is a full-sized L'Oreal Moisturizer - and then a weird piece of lingerie which covers the gap when you are wearing low cut jeans (from the Luxury Spot) - retail = $38!!
Started to participate in a trial of dry mouth treatment - as I have dry mouth due to my medications, among other factors - & they sent me a bottle of the product to try.
I have also been using an eyebrow serum on another trial -
If you are in an urban area like L.A. or NYC - if you are interested, check out such trials and testimonials to get nice interesting merchandise. I get my leads in L.A. from craigslist - could work in NYC area, too...
Have not been buying much - but rather selling off vintage, giving away, having yard sales. (Two more sales coming up in September to participate in.) But I did find a nice pair of khaki capris at the Goodwill for $3.99 & nice $.99 t-shirt and Ann Taylor ballet flats in a blue reptile finish for $3.99, too. They were all too good to pass up - And some fancy ribbon yarn(marked at $10 a ball originally!!) - I have already made a nice scarf using one color, and I am now making a sash with the black and gold and some velvety cord I picked up somewhere....Those specialty yarns are very nice used with other yarn to provide some weight and make it easier to knit.
Hubby and I have been taking advantage of all the free summer music and events. Last weekend was Harbor Days at our marina, and they served hamburgers, hot dogs, watermelon, and soda and beer - We listened to our favorite local talent, Teresa Russell & her smoking guitar. (At the same time I discovered another book exchange at the Marina Office, which I hadn't known about & found 4 great paperbacks to read.) And on Sunday there was another great local music at the Farmer's Market.
We have bought storage bags from the Dollar Tree in an effort to clean up this little apartment, which we have crammed with a LOT of stuff.
All the AC and fans have been on the last few, hot days - & I am grateful for the portable AC unit we found last year at Salvation Army - which just makes the difference in our L-shaped living room/dining room/kitchen area when it's really hot....And also put on fans to push the cooler air around. (Before we go to bed, we can turn the AC off & turn on the window fans to cool off the apartment overnight, as it always cools off at night here.)
Still getting loads of free magazines - just signed up for SAILING magazine for hubby - and little lotion samples keep coming in the mail. I have found that the samples are great for keeping in my purse to use on my hands - and I put the shampoo/conditioner samples in my "hair" kit for using up at the boat....The other facial care samples go into my "skin" kit. I especially like the eye cream samples, which I am using up very carefully...Luckily just discovered another little Clinique sample among my stuff....I first put on a bit of witch hazel and THEN the eye cream, which makes even a sample packet go for almost a WEEK.
I carefully close the sample packets by folding over the top & closing with either a paperclip or a hair clip (or even a bobby pin). That way they don't dry up before you use ALL of the sample!
So even when broke, I can keep up my "beauty routines". No excuses now ladies! The face you save today you will be the one you are left with!
So onward & upward. How is the summer treating YOU all?
Freebies for the Diva in YOU
