Viral Marketing Rocks/Free Stuff
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Attached (or in the photos) is the picture taken of me by the very nice & talented Jamie Rector for the L.A. Times - while I was shopping frugally at the 99 Cent Store in L.A. and looking at the bagels (They have good deals on good bagels, not to mention that they have produce now. The oranges I got that day were super.)
Yes, the interview is online at - (or google Pamela Munro + Hollywood & it pops up.) The guys who are interested in publishing my book are delighted! Thanks again, Susan!
Oh & I ran into a blog that boasted that they never pay for toothpaste, toothbrushes or mouthwash - because (1) they get it at the dentist & (2) they get online samples & coupon deals. Well, I replied that I never pay for pencils, ballpoint pens, highlighters, memo pads, pencil sharpeners, erasers, and key chains - because I score them at fairs, outdoor events, conventions and so on. I have gotten all sorts of little swag: hats, samples, post-it notes, bags, posters, visors and all sorts of stuff you would otherwise have to PAY for.So make a beeline to the organizational tents at your next event & see what they have with their name on it!
At the 99 Cent Store

Marketing in more ways than one.
photo by Jamie Rector for the L.A. Times