Thrifty Habits?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Saw a comment on the blogs about avoiding "latteing" - and since I have never done much of that (it was always a treat or a way to hold a biz meeting), I started to think about what I did do.
When I worked in offices a lot, I used to bring along the packets of diet cocoa - because I found even bitter office coffee tasted better mixed 1/2 and 1/2 with cocoa. Nowadays I would add some nutmeg and cinnamon & voila! a budget mocha. I also brought along my own t-bags, and soups, as hot water was usually available. Now those hot-water alternatives have gotten even bigger with those hot water pastas I have seen advertised - but I bet you could concoct your own.
I used to bring apples/oranges/prunes and cubes of cheese or nuts and crackers along to eat - then snack at my desk and nap and/or walk on my lunch hour. Discovered that you can nap quite nicely in your locked car!
Then I would window shop like mad, and pick up the best bargains.
Even as far as latteing goes, you can get a plain coffee for a lot less at Starbucks or another coffee place, and then add milk, cinnamon, cocoa and nutmeg for a perfectly nice concoction, while saving at least 50%. I also ask for water and then recycle the nice clear cups.
When I lived alone, I would also sometimes have my main meal at lunch, as the lunch prices are usually less and there were specials.
I subscribed to the L.A. Times (cheaper than at the newsstand) & did the crossword and also picked up other local throw-away free publications. Always profited from the info in them. The hints I got from the L.A. Times more than paid for the subscription itself over the years!
I admit that I used to look at the office trash and recycle wrappings/bows/and any old office supplies that were going out. I would ask first, mostly....But it's amazing what people would just toss. And the poinsettias after Xmas would make nice leafy houseplants....
I even found a nice leather checkbook cover in the trash once, and a pair of lovely copper-colored pants (?)
I would troll the cosmetic counters and get samples of makeup and such and always sign in for local contests. Won a nice set of jewelry that way. Because I was there so often, I would also get the best of the markdowns on the sale racks. Still have some of that stuff - like a beautiful wooden cuff bracelet.
In the freebie sites there are now posts about freebies at Origin stores. at the premium cosmetic counters, and even chocolate stores - so I would keep an eye on that was closest to me to snag on my lunch hour. Raises the spirits!
Now I work from home and troll freebie sites and do most of my shopping at thrift shops! Still subscribe to the paper, tho, and take the crossword with me if I am going to have to sit and wait.
Because I am at home, I can sit at the computer in my jeans and t-shirts/sweatshirts - and not have to wear much makeup (a savings) and I can save my classic clothes for going out on the town. - I have accumulated a wardrobe over the years.
I do keep an eye on fashion trends, mostly via internet newsletter from mags like Marie Claire and Elle and Vogue and so on - and then can tweak what I wear with a tip of my hat to the current fashion. (My husband is just getting used to the fact that it's OK for a hoodie to be short over a longer top!)
There are trendy accessories at the dollar stores. Recently I got a whole lot of headbands - some of them with sequins - They do in and out of style, but I have always liked headbands, and have a collection of them...And the dollar stores tend to have good deals on hair goods - like barrettes and so on - so I stock up there.
Young girls don't wear pantyhose nowadays it seems - altho don't they get chilly? - But when I wore them a lot I ordered them discount from the Legg's catalog - and now I get bargain at dollar stores and so on when I see them...
I also have gotten samples of self-tanner, which I do use in warmer weather to make my pale legs look healthier!
Now that my hair has gotten long, I have been wearing it up most of the time - not a bad idea - Keeps me cooler when it's warm and adds volume to my crown - Also hides the time between haircuts! That's where my barrette collection comes into play.
I find myself mixing whatever lipgloss/conditioner I have on hand - to use it up & get the right consistency....and do the same with hand cream(s). And I am trying to organize and use up my collection of lotions for the hands/face, etc. Put them in ziplock bags to use at the boat. Ditto the deodorant and toothpaste samples. And some of the vitamin/supplement samples.
Made up a care package for an unemployed friend of ours, and put in a selection of shampoo & conditioner samples, toothpaste, lotions, deodorant, vitamins, and so on - And my husband bought a whole bunch of ramen and added some canned foods, just to make sure...It all seems like extra stuff, so it's less embarassing, I think...
Also pass around books and magazines in our circle of friends....
As I have said, I am diligently collecting samples to make up little assortments for tiny Xmas presents this year - My elderly neighbor is getting shampoos/lotions and so on - and I have things like sample tbags to put into office cards, etc.
Also will look to clean out the OLD gift bags which still harbor goodies from past years.
So that's me not latteing or anything else - Just here at the keyboard and watching old flicks on the tube! But then that's how we afford those lovely wkends on the boat! It all evens out in the end.
How are you guys coping?
Thrifty Habits?

Here's how I have been habitually thrifty...