Mid-Week Get Away
Friday, May 01, 2009
Had an audition for an industrial way down in Manhattan Beach - and as hubby had a free afternoon more or less, we decided we would drive down and spend the rest of the afternoon there, as we don't often get down there....
Early for the audition, we stopped in at the local 99 Cent Store - There I found MORE YARN - and some flirty undies in my size - and some knee stockings I wear with pants sometimes...Oh -also got two nylon scarves (purple & green) that are sort of curled at the edges - and are long enuf to twist around my neck...(The price tag said $9 each!) - And we stocked up on sauces and such - a good deal there...
It's all so beachy - we had a FABULOUS burrito made with black beans - I don't like them usually - but this was the best I have ever seen!
Then we walked around the Redondo Pier - which needs a power wash - reminded me of Coney Island somehow...
Mark drove us on to Palos Verdes, where he lived before we met. Oh, the peninsula is loverely - it looks like Monterey in spots. People were whale watching at the Interpretive center...& I learned that Palos Verdes was the 8th Channel Island before it was attached to the land by eons of silt from the mountains...A lighthouse, too...
We continued to San Pedro - formerly a fishing town (with its own lighthouse) - and looked around. One of my discoveries was Old San Pedro - which is an old downtown, complete with vintage mini movie palace! There are coffee houses, including Sacred Grounds - and antique and thrift shops. Just my speed.
I bought a pair of shoes at the Sal Army - and what I think is an African implement - and some classical tapes and a pair of earrings - all of which ended up costing me $8! And I bought a beautiful bone necklace at the antique store - more than I usually would pay - but MUCH less than current retail for a big necklace, now back in style....
We had dinner at 23rd St. restaurant overlooking the marina/harbor. Nice fish place - It looks old, but the waitress assured me that it had only been there since the early 90's....reminded me of the fish restaurants in Brooklyn when I was little...
We came back refreshed and it was like a mini-vacation. With the wonderful new technology, hubby was able to field phone calls on the go - and even pulled out his lap top when I was auditioning....Why is it so much FUN to play hooky, if only for an afternoon?
I worked some extra hours on Friday - which covered some of my purchases while playing hooky - and I managed to avoid the traffic by timing it just right.
Wearing the purple scarf now with a grey t-shirt w/collar - and I must say I feel very classy. I know that cotton scarves are IN - but light nylon ones make a certain amount of sense in warmer weather - and they don't WILT. So I am hunting for all my nylon scarves for the summer! Those coordinated with my various newly-acquired visors in all colors makes me feel very put together....
Old San Pedro, CA

A funky area with thrift shops and antique stores - my sort of place...