Back to the Boat!
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
After almost a MONTH, hubby & I got to spend a 3-day weekend at the BOAT!!! (It had been raining on the weekends, there had been tsunami concerns & hubby had gotten so sick he went to bed for a few days...)Happily all of our lines held & the boat was fine - but we would have expected that our buddies would have called us if there had been a problem. (There were a lot in the nearby Ventura Harbor.)
So, after having been very good about shopping - we stopped at all of our haunts & of course, found great STUFF! Goodwill has some sort of deal with Target, as I have probably mentioned before & they have NEW Target merchandise - very cheap! usually at a 75% discount from former retail prices!) I found 2 new pairs of shorts for the summer - a fuchsia shirtwaist, a sun dress - and then items from the dollar rack! And hubby found some khaki slacks for work....(Oh, & I found a nice khaki sunhat, too)...
Along the way I have been finding cheap bangles (some of which I think are actually silver) - & some engraved glass stones with mottos - so good for presents - @ $.50 each!! The bangles were $.75 -
In Ojai I went to the church thriftshop downtown & got: a pair of tropical print linen pants and some balls of very nice mohair yarn (50 cents each!) On the dollar rack there was a red & white print linen jacket - with "broken" zipper - I took it anyway & once home, coaxed the zipper back to zipping!
Then we did stop off at what we call the animal thriftshop - were they were having a $10 bag sale - & I managed to stuff it with: a pink rayon hippy Laize Adzer dress (w/a $149 tag?), a black stretch jacket, some pants, a thai silk bouse, and a silk green Chico's casual jacket.
I know I said I would hold off the clothes buying -but these were all such STEALS! (Oh, I did spring for a vest made out of golden threads from the sale rack of a trendy store in Ojai. It was under $30 & a steal for what it iS...)
All very high quality stuff! I love Chico's & other finer clothes brands/shops - but I only can afford their stuff in THRIFTSHOPS. (& having window shopped in the stores, I know what the stuff costs new!)
A real orgy! but the stuff is great & I have been very good lately - so....I admit it, I indulged myself!
For the piece de resistance - The end/beginning of the month is a good time to "scavenge" in the bins in the apartments up at the boat, as people are moving out them & dumping things willy nillly. So I went around & collected some bubble wrap & other packing material for my friends who are selling on eBay - & then found someone moving out/doing Spring cleaning. And landed the decorations off a Xmas wreath - a hat box - a shopping bag - some fabric - an angel candle holder - & a glass panel for crafting, a plastic dome from a lamp, & to top it off - a perfectly good watch, which was just sitting there. On a whim coming home, I put it to the correct time, & do you know, the darned thing even WORKS! It's a bracelet version & I really like it, too!
Mark doesn't really like my scavenging - but I did also find him a nice black nylon zippered case - he likes to put his musical accessories in cases -
I like crafting, & I can't resist steals in thrift shops - The plastic dome I put into the hanging flower bracket that I am trying to make into a lighting fixture - just fits, too. And I just HAVE to start knitting!!! (I put away the new materials in the oriental box I scavenged from the apartment a few weeks ago....)
So, I think our energy footprint is fairly low.....& boy, did I have a good TIME! WE women do love to SHOP.
And this way, I don't break the bank at Monte Carlo!!! (& end up nicely dressed - a plus in L.A.)
Ganesh 4 Good Times

Our own kind of prosperity!