Tshirt Scarves & More
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I am reminded that brief posts are also oK - Now I know what I am - according to a new people's dictionary (mentioned in an L.A. Times article) I am a frugalista - that it, frugal but fashionable!
My tshirt cowl/scarves have turned out very well! It's so easy. Just buy a tshirt in the right color (I got $1 ones from the thrift shop) - larger for more fabric - fold tshirt over lengthwise in two - cut strips (mine were about 2" wide) - pull loops & the will curl into themselves - Bind the loops with another piece of tshirt fabric - fold over once or so & put on neck! (You can glam them with beads, fabric paint, etc. - or make strips very narrow for a necklace effect.) I like mine (one grey and one washout blue) to glam up regular tshirts when I go out. It's amazing how nicely they work.
And hubby really liked the robe tie/sash I made him. It was like a skinny scarf - but I used 2 strands of yarn (dk blue & white) on my big needles. Why do we all LOSE the ties to our robes?
Got some more glucosamine samples in the mail. I had been working through generous samples from other makers - I bought some, but will take the samples instead until they are out! They seem to be giving away lots of glucosamine & fish oil products right now. Again check out www.freestufftimes for the most updated freebies. (Although I also signed up en espanol on the Univision site to get my free deodorant sample! - Yahoo Babel Fish will translate it into ingles for you!)
See ya - also check me out at www.zannel.com/pamelamunro for more L.A.-based tips!
My Handiwork!

Time to start knitting gifts for the holidays.