Mall in a Frugal Mode
Monday, April 20, 2009
Found myself going to a MALL on Sunday afternoon - as I wanted to mall walk - due to the heat & my allergies. I thought it would be cooler -but their AC was struggling, it seemed - Had NO intention of shopping but we walked thru Sears & they were have a 75% off sale! So I went to the lowest markdown clothing racks & found some steals I couldn't resist - even in retail!
- I got 2 pairs of navy knit pants - @ $7.99 apiece (one short,one cropped)
- And a pair of summer jeans for $4.99!
- And a filmy top for $4.99
Rock bottom bargains! And by looking at the tags, if I had paid retail, just the TOP would have cost $44??
So I totalled it up & got $130 worth of clothing for $30!! And my summer wardrobe has a boost. It's hard to find those basic pants & you always wear the heck out of them...
THEN after boasting to hubby, who was with me & astounded that I wanted to go to a MALL, as it is so out of character... I waltzed into Nordstroms - & said to him "Let me show you some REAL prices!" There were $500 leather handbags and expensive jewelry - not unlike my bargains - Nice - but not a good deal in site. (Their crystal necklaces were $99 & mine is recycled & restrung from the 50's).
Then we went into the designer area & I showed him a Stella McCartney wood tank for over $1000 and a silver coat for $1500 or so. He was shocked. "Now, do you wonder why I grabbed that gold brocade obi material jacket up in Santa Barbara at a resale store for $80??" You should have seen the look on his face! (I wore it to an event & they wanted to drag me on their red carpet!)
It was great fun, actually, looking at the luxurious merchandise & finding I had items very similar at HOME. (And bought for a LOT less!) I really have amassed a very nice wardrobe since I have been with hubby- all those Ventura Co. thrift shops! And I took out my bright turquoisy blue suede mules for the shopping trip and an ethnic jacket I had gotten at a Hollywood yard sale - and cropped denim pants from a thrift shop - a plain blue tee - And mixed some grayish Hawaiian beads with my silver-toned key on a ball chain. Quite chic. (I love the mixed necklace trend.)
All in all, I felt quite pleased with myself, showing off my thrift and how inexpensive a wife I really AM! And the fragrance department at Nordstroms was featuring the Versace perfume I had gotten at Xmas a year ago - (which hubby had bought at a CVS with a coupon!) - so I applauded his good taste!
Speaking of thrift shops - hubby is getting quite good at it, too. He somehow managed to pick up a beautiful tan leather overnight bag (Gladstone bag?) for $14 at the local Goodwill on Saturday. This is a miracle, because Goodwill & the Salvation Army usually pick over donations and sell the best elsewhere...Ergo the best deals have to be mistakes. This leather is so fine, it would pass for vinyl unless you smell it - which is what hubby did. (I have taught him a trick or two.)
Presenting it to me as a gift, hubby said that it was worth $100 - "No, $300-400," I said! And we looked up the brand on the net - always fun - and found that I was right on the money. It's so nice that I will have to work up the courage to USE it. I do love fine leather goods - but not what you have to pay for them - so thrift shop steals are my alternative.
At the mall I also found my Meltonian shoe polish in the right reddish-brown shade to take care of my leather boat loafers. They are perfectly fine, but need polishing & only Meltonian would have the right color. Got it at a shoe repair shop - that is the only place you can usually get a range of their colors...
So - just walking in the mall was a bit dangerous - but I did get basics for the summer - so I am not a ragamuffin for hubby at home. He does like it when I look nice. And he had a husbandy pride in being able to take me shopping & also with me not breaking the bank. (So, see, I am a good wifey-wife, esp. in this field of endeavor.)
And it is girly & great fun.
Frugal at the Mall?

Ok, hubby is from the Midwest - but we aren't THAT bad!