OK, I think I'm done with yard sales this year...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Woke up kinda early today, with a short list of things to do. Craigslist had an ad for a yard sale this morning, and I eagerly wrote the address down, and mapped it from my door to theirs with Google. The sale started at 8am, but it was 9 before I left the house. Plenty of time to get things set up, I thought.
Nope. When I got there, there were a few boxes of clothes and some stuffed animals and baby furniture out, but that was it. Rows of empty tables swayed in the wind. For whatever reason, the folks hosting the sale hadn't brought much out - and it was a today-only sale.
The seller asked me what I was looking for, so I told her 'boys' clothes, size 8 or so, and dolls'. She hauled out another box, and it was boy's clothes - mostly 4T, much too small for Dearest Son. I never knew what happened to the dolls she had advertised, because they never made an appearance. This happened earlier this year at another sale - the ad made much of the many, many toys that'd be there, but not one was visible. When I asked, I was told they'd decided to not sell toys after all. Oookay...but I wouldn't have gone if I'd have known they were only selling toasters and blenders and baby clothes !
Well, I felt bad for them and stupid for dragging my wide butt halfway across town for a washout sale, so I selected the one shirt that might fit Dearest, and a stuffed animal in a dress that might fit one of my dolls - $5., I was told. Um. Bit pricey, but I was ready to leave already. And, guess what, the seller had no change at all. None. Not even for a $10. bill. Her husband was placing signs, and should be back any minute...
I waited for ten, with her kids watching my every movement. I have no idea why I was so interesting to them. Seller and her mother were in and out of the house every minute or so, sadly bringing nothing new outside, but the kids stayed and watched me like hawks. I finally had to put my selections down and offer apologies. I probably should have bought a coffee from a nearby quickie-mart and gone back for the shirt and stuffed animal, but by the time I got back into the truck, I was cold and only wanted out of there. And I realized I didn't really want the items, I just wanted the transaction over and done with.
Stopped by Target, like an idiot, and claimed the first parking space I saw. It was some distance from the store, but safer than cruising the lot. I was at the door when I saw the car behind me loop around for another pass at a closer space. Good Luck with that !
It was a zoo in there. I got the now-ridiculously priced rice cracker mix I came for - it used to be $5.50, now it's $8., won't be buying that anymore ! - and a set of markdown chopsticks for Beloved Hubby, and markdown white cheddar popcorn seasoning for me. Wandered around a bit while dazed folks with half-full shopping carts tried to figure out what Billy and Suzie really wanted. I was soo glad I wasn't Christmas shopping !
Last weekend, we did our annual DVD 'inventory', and we each pulled a pile of movies we didn't watch or want anymore. Hastings here buys used media, so I took our selections there to trade in. We got $38. in store credit for our 12 discs - yaaay ! Several were bought at yard sales for pocket change !
I got the 20th Anniversary two-disc copy of A Christmas Story we'd been planning on buying, for $20. Since we don't have cable, or even broadcast TV, we don't get the 24-hours of it next week. And I wanted to see the bonus features. Also scored a Wall-E coloring book and a Tale of Despereaux storybook for Dearest as small gifts, at $4. each. And we still have over $7. in credit ! I love shopping that doesn't involve spending money !
From there, I hit Big Lots. Whoo. Was that place crowded ! It was as bad as Target, and I should have known, it being the last Saturday before Christmas ! Wandered all over, and overheard the worst thing I've listened to all year. Allow me to set the stage with the cast and settings...
A couple was looking at various toys, and Mom (presumably) had chosen a pink princess dress-up set. She was telling (presumably) Dad that their daughter (I guess) would love this set, especially the fake nails. Dad inquired how the nails stayed on, and Mom told him they came with double-sided tape. Dad avocated gluing them on with stronger stuff, but Mom objected, saying, and I quote for your amusement, "You are NOT using super-glue on our three-year-old's fingers !". Oi.
I decided I'd had enough, and clutching the gingerbread cookies my guys like, headed to the registers. Got behind a 'savvy' shopper who wanted to debate the price of everything she bought, and she had a cartload. Somehow, she'd find the one shirt marked $4., and ask if the others like it, marked $6., were the same price as the other one. When they weren't, she had to debate whether or not to buy the rest, and the cashier just had to stand and wait 'til she did. And so did the rest of us.
She'd done that four times, and three times put it all back, shoving the rejects into the snack display area in front of the register, and doing the same thing with the next items - thermals, candles, candy, toys, you name it. I was about to give up and put the cookies back when they opened another register, and I got through while the lifetime shopper was bedeviling the cashier with another find, I think it was a blanket - and there was still stuff in her cart, awaiting its turn on her bizarre version of 'Is the Price Right ?'.
I'm all for finding the deals and asking questions, but not with a cartload of stuff at noon on the Saturday before Christmas at the only open register !
At least I got to spend quality time with a beloved movie and rice crackers when I got home. About all I need to do is wrap Dearest's presents, and Christmas is done ! Luckily, the rest of the family decided two years ago to not exchange gifts, just visit for a while. It's made the holidays so much nicer !