Eyeing the Penny Jar
Friday, September 19, 2008
No, I haven't gotten to the penny jar yet - but I AM trying to call in old debts with the help of PayPal's automatic email service! Doesn't help to TRY. We DID get $100 back from a debtor/friend last week!
Also wrote a new article for associatedcontent on my latest freebie hunts and fixed another frugal article. I am there under www.associatedcontent.com/pamelamunro - The $ from there is going into my new PayPal MasterCard debit card - I am keeping track of the total(s) on the back with a sticky. Check my articles out, ok? Somehow it makes me feel like a little girl with my old cash register bank!
I also cashed in my MyPoints points for a GAS card! Every little bit helps. And I am even trying to get the minimum $30 from inboxsavings! That will take a while.
I am entering everything at Lucky Contests, too. Elle and Allure have a LOT of contests/prizes. Also got a Smashbox blush for being on the Allure readers panel. And I joined the Elle insider panel, too.
I do like the elle.com website - but I dont' know how they can continue to sell magazines! I did subscribe to Allure when it went down to $5/year! But for the rest, I am getting the free ones! Just got an issue of Interview and of Southern Accents. Now the problem will be finding a home for the mags I have read. (FYI both mommysavesbig.com and freestufftimes.com have sections for free magazines/catalogs.)
I always have gone after the free stuff when I felt broke!
Thanks for the comments. As one reader said, it's nice to know that you are not out there in a vacuum, just talking to yourself! So keep that feedback coming.
Also let me remind you that I am at twitter.com/pamphyila with posts on blog updates and even twtr tips!
Let's hold on to each other, if only in the cyberworld - things are getting bumpy! But WE know HOW to GET THRU!!