Ok, we shopped on Black Friday!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The whole Black Friday-after-Thanksgiving-sale thing has never made that much sense to me. I hate crowds and the feeling of buying frenzy and I always think I could have gotten whatever's on sale for the same discount another, less painful way....
But my husband Mark and I were going up to our boat and meeting friends, so we decided to stop by one of our favorite thrift shps on the way. Who knew that the GOODWILL had 1/2 off sales on Black Friday? So we bought some gift books, and some 49 cent clothes and I did find a silk shirt for $2 and a lovely dress for the same. And I got some Xmas things for Mark, although I had to hustle him out of the store so I could buy them "in secret."
Later that week end we also hit another "old lady's thrift shop" that was off the beaten path. More gift books, and a pillow for the boat.
I am at the point that I will have to drag out the gift box (bags, actually) to sort all the things I have been collecting for Xmas gifts and figure out what goes to whom. I start collecting after my birthday at the end of August, and am pretty much finished, as I usually am, so I can AVOID the Xmas shopping rush, which I loathe. The only reason I have been in stores during the season was when I was WORKING in them as a perfume model! And I don't have to do that right now - whew!
I had allergy problems on the boat - mold? and then coming home I had the worst attack I have had in a while - ugh. So I am beat. Mark's under the weather, too, so it's going to be hard....Thanks heaven we had Thanksgiving vacation when we did - becaz for a few of those days Mark was down for the count - very unusual for HIM. And we had Thanksgiving dinner in an old local restaurant....No leftovers, so no overeating!
Nothing quite so spectacular as my designer shoes (worth $290) for $7 - but I did get a nice warm quilted jacket with Renaissance overtones for $2 which I think I will wear A LOT. And I got some camel pants can squeeze into for 49 cents - and a cotton sweater (I later found out it had a stain, but if I roll the sleeves up a bit, it doesn't show...) And I picked up some miscellaneous little gift items which can be combined with other small things for an Xmas gift....beaded napkin rings (50 cents) and colored napkins (ditto). There was a hand-painted cocktail glass, but it broke...
The beauty of that stuff, is that even if it's not used for Xmas, it will keep for another occasion in the gift box. And for a small outlay.
The winter season here in S. California isn't long - but we DO have a bit of winter here - and I have never understood the native Californians who have no warm clothes and just shiver. I've got on my extra heavy jeans (a bit too big to wear outside the house - but fine for sitting at my computer desk) and my heavy sweatshirt - and a space heater and my nice warm slippers...
Hope you are comfy, too.
Thnxgiving Shopping

Even penny pinchers shy of crowds can shp sensibly on black Friday.
c.doverpublishing used by permission