Broke but happy?
Monday, October 19, 2009
We had car troubles this month, which has left us terribly broke. So I found it heartening to be able to waltz into Victoria's Secret with a coupon from their Club Pink and get a pair of deep pink bikini underwear GRATIS. (They were marked $7.50 - imagine.) They had $45 bras, and the other coupon wanted to lure me, as it was $10 off a bra - but even with $10 off they were still TOO expensive. Fun to look, though. And the coupon got me to the mall for my weekly mall walk.
I also bought a knitting kit on sale on line from Lion Brand yarns with the bit of money I had in my PayPal account. I thought I was supposed to get a discount of $25 from the PayPal Buyitnow option - for something else - but ??? Still checking on that. The Buyitnowoption of PayPal is great for grabbing internet bargains - you can just be billed later (when you know you will have the $.)
Made $ on the Fr. commercial I shot Saturday in downtown L.A. - and I brought home some rolls, fruit, and cookies which I didn't eat as a little treat for hubby. (They had lovely craft service catering on site, and I enjoyed a nice hot lunch and lots of coffee.) Waiting for THAT check - have to submit all sorts of paperwork for the French government, so they don't take a third for their taxes....It was a curious pleasure to be able to enjoy a fairly picturesque downtown street in L.A. and be totally relaxed because of the presence of the cops for the shoot, and so on....
Received freebie magazines, vitamin samples and Philosophy samples through the mail this week! Always look forward to the mail nowadays...
Have to rack up some more Paypal $ - Another article about something? Seem to be getting back Associated Content royalty payments??
In the mall we talked with a Cash for Gold vendor at a cart - They are really looking for old gold to melt down & a chain that they had as decoration, would have been almost $500 in the same weight in real gold. They are only paying about $.35 per unit for silver, though...I do have some gold rings, etc. I could recycle if I felt I had to...But one's jewelry is a sort of bank account, as one can always pawn it/sell it. Getting divorced? Pawn those diamonds to get some getaway $.
Hubby is working on our "new to us" 80's Thunderbird he bought from our mechanic for $500. Do you know you can use regular spray paint on CARS? Hubby did that to touch up the trim, and so on (from the $.99 Store, by the way, along with engine/oil additives.) I told him to spray the interior with Febreze to freshen it up - which he did with great effect. The car is almost old enough to be a classic, and so far everything seems to work. Mark replaced a bad speaker in the sound system with one he had found in a thrift store...I have to admit the car was a bit scuzzy when hubby first got it - but now - it's amazing, it looks FINE! And I really would rather drive that on the L.A. freeways than a crackerbox tin little Japanese car that crumples at the first contact. We won't be going far - this is for around town - so mileage isn't paramount here. Think hubby is actually enjoying this renovation!
A colleague of mine seems to think we are a bit mad - I told hubby that and he agreed - we ARE a bit mad. But to quote Quentin Crisp (Saw the flick An Englishman in N.Y. about his last days on cable last night) - if madness is you - it's your style!
And surprisingly the T-bird has a certain retro chic which appeals to me!
Looking forward to my first Social Security check at the end of the month....
How are you all?

It comes in, but what goes out?