Blogging and Simplicity Old School
Friday, November 21, 2008
Savings Potpourri - which is a blog a lot more sophisticated technically than this one, is folding because the writer doesn't have time to keep it up - which is a shame, because, I, for one, subscribed to it...
I really don't know how many folks out there actually READ this blog - would be nice to know - but since I am not getting $ from Google clicks, it really doesn't matter. And I am glad now that I have kept my blog here at thriftyfun - old school - without bells & whistles -
That seems to go for a LOT of things in our lives. Why not go the simple, inexpensive old school way rather than the moderne, expensive, fancy way? Especially if the results come out very much the same!
I am amazed at people getting nuts over Iphones and the like - especially when you know whenever a new product comes out it is bound to have LOTS of bugs in in and it's best to wait until they have been worked out AND the price has come DOWN. I find I have a bit of computer capability on my newest cell phone right now, and it's quite enough for me. I felt like a genius when I discovered I could look up the weather on it while we were at the boat. The forecast convinced us to stay on another day, rather than head back in town and we had a nice time.
I used to say that I lived like a "rich peasant" - meaning that I had nice, basic things. It's not a bad way to go in the end. What difference does it make that the FM radio tuner came from a thrift shop? Or that our TVs will be digital only via our cable? We don't have ROOM for a flat screen in our little living room - and they apparently eat up energy, too. So do I need to go into hock for one? Absolutely NO.
Same thing with the monitor and the keyboard of the computer I am typing on - We have recycled them through several hard drives (our main one has just gone down & I am on the secondary, which my hubby was using for music....) So do I NEED a flatter monitor? Frankly, NO. I know someone who has gone to a new Apple and frankly, the keyboard for that is TINY and hard to type on - as we are used to the conventional spacing....
I didn't have a microwave for years because I didn't think I needed one - but my hubby got a good one - again, used - and he uses it a lot. Ditto our used coffee makers (We burn them out)! And you have heard of our prize - the used portable dishwasher! (Again, making my hubby happy.)
Our last few irons have been used - and sturdier than the one I got at newer at Big Lots - and I have gotten used hair styling stuff - like a flattener which I was using for a while....(the new ones were $45??)
The economy is turning, and somehow, even with my husband's salary, which is mid-range, we are still struggling. I hope - no, I KNOW that my pennypinching experience is helping here. So, really, our needs are mostly provided for. As my husband says, we have a roof over our heads, and he has a job - and we have 2 vehicles that run - and even our old BOAT to escape to.
As I talk about here a lot, I do a lot of things myself - such as color and trim my hair - and doing mending and simple maintenance - (I even extended the life of the radiator in the truck by suggesting that hubby just put radiator StopLeak in it - worked, too.) I have never been into drycleaning everything - and even had a BAD experience when a local place practially RUINED a good blazer by putting it in a mangle or something, scorching the surface and FLATTENING all the BRASS buttons. It took some doing to convince the owner that their sign only referred to lack of liability for PLASTIC buttons and that THEY were liable for replacing my brass ones - AND sewing them ON. Brass buttons aren't cheap....) Whew, My consumer battles!
Besides I mostly wear washable denim & t-shirts anyway nowadays. I save my good clothes for church and for going out in the world - which keeps them nice MUCH longer, especially as the styles are pretty basic.
Old school - yeah, I am old school about a lot of things. Not a bad way to go - what do you think?
Going Old School

The oldie but goodie way - simple but it works!