Can we afford to lose CRT TVs?
Monday, October 23, 2006
I came across this story reading CNN this morning:
Flat-planels rule, old boob tube all but dead
REDWOOD CITY, California (AP) -- The lone conventional television set at Anderson's TV store sat along a side wall like a castoff. Its screen was dark as dozens of other gleaming flat-panel and big-screen models flashed nearby with vivid color images.
The staff at the Redwood City store hadn't even bothered to turn on the cathode-ray tube TV until a reporter asked to see it on a recent afternoon. ..Read More
Considering the cost of flat panel TVs, that's a bit of a scary thought. I am sure the prices will come down, but it sure is nice being able to buy a good TV for $200 to $300. With flat panels, you are looking at $700 to $900 for low-end, resonably sized TVs. Hopefully the CRTs stick around for a while to provide a cheaper alternative because I have my doubts that the flat panels will be any more durable, possibly less.