Audition et al.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Focussed on the audition I had today at 1PM - dragged out a dress from my wardrobe and so on- trying to create a character - Turned out OK - think they liked it - Am I better at comedy?
But it's always so annoying to put in all of your change & still worry about the $ in the meter running out! In L.A. the number scrawled on the back of the meter, however un-official looking is its NUMBER. I found that out when defending myself from a ticket a few yrs. ago - the number on the broken meter was painted messily with what looked like red nail polish - who would have known it was legit?
Downloaded a pic from the Flicker site - where I park pix - it works nicely - Maybe I will get a free hair cut from craigslist la - I applied for one - and today before the audition, as I wore my hair down for character reasons, I did chop off parts in the front around my face - Not terrific - but luckily the style is for messy hair so you can get away with it!
Finished my knitting project - the fun fur turquoise + green stole - It came out like a huge surreal piece of FUR. But it's ok like that. I had to sew up the edge with a yarn needle & then proceeded to fill up any holes in it. I am sure with the fun fur, which isn't very sturdy, I will be filling in holes as long as I have it! That project would have cost at least $35-40 just for materials, but since I scored the yarn at a thrift shop, and the fun fur at the dollar store a while ago, it only cost me something like $7 + labor! Now I am sorry I didn't buy MORE fun fur when I had a chance....
Being a little crafty helps in one's wardrobe - Somehow my outfits for special occasions always turn out to be minor sewing projects. And when you wear vintage, as I like to do, there are always seams which give up the ghost. I even had a vintage pair of shoes come apart on me while I was wearing them! All the parts just came unglued.
Going to do more shopping in my own closet - as things come IN here & not as much goes OUT. I like to have a variety on hand for my "costumes" - which makes matters worse. And one never does know what one can find on a thrift shop trip - sometimes even basics, if you are lucky. I scored both 2 black tops & a pair of black mules on the last trip. And do you know how hard it is to find THOSE? Usually they are worn to death. Ditto nice white shirts.
Found myself looking around at the cute young actresses waiting to read - such skinnymalinks! And they did all have long hair, with chopping - and as I wanted to portray a wannabe - it was all right.
Home & back to jeans & a t-shirt.
How are you guys holding out?
Strutting Your Stuff

Auditions are a chance to act, too.