All this and more....
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I have been super busy with school but the kids are learning alot and are very happy so I am too. January is not my favorite month, it reminds me of my poor little 7 year old Marky having surgery which battered his poor little body and nearly killed him! He had 22 surgeries in less then 2 years. Now he is in remission and doing ok.. yes he does get sick sometimes but is mostly doing well thankfully.
I remember calling the Crohn's Foundation for help back then and they never responded. That really threw me but I thought, hey this disease is mostly adult so why should they care? They clearly did not care about my child. So sad.
I bring this up because during the entire Christmas season I was inundated with labels, paper pads, even mugs from organizations begging for money. I usually give to Veterans since my Dad was in WW2. However from an unemployed person's perspective with 2 sick kids, I am tired of the begging!!!!