I am the Birthday Girl Today!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
My husband and I are celebrating my birthday together - and last night we took advantage of our Lawry's VIP coupons to go to the Tam O'Shanter - a lovely old restaurant with lots of Scottish memorabilia and great prime rib. We had a free appetizer and $50 off the meal(s) (2 $25 coupons) - and a complimentary little birthday cake - so after the discount our meal only cost $40!! Even with some wine for me. And we got points against further meals!
Today I think I will cash in my Sizzler birthday coupon at the Sizzler around the corner & maybe have seafood? I also have a coupon for a free meal at the Whale's Tail up at Ch. Is. Harbor! It's worth it to sign up for all those restaurant plans! And it makes it nice to celebrate using those coupons/discounts. Being festive without too much guilt!
(Think Black Angus has one, too - but haven't gotten anything from THEM yet.)
Also got my PayPal Mastercard debit card in the mail, all the better to spend the little PayPal $ I rack up from associatedcontent articles and so on...
P.S. Nope we are staying in - dont't feel like Sizzler -
Fascinated by THE UNTHINKABLE a book by Amanda Ripley about "who survives when disaster strikes" - anecdotes backed up by scientific research findings. It came today as part of Random House's readitforward program as a freebie! They send out free books which they want you to read & pass on - join at www.readitforward.com !! My hubby will love this book when I am finished with it - he loves survival stories....
Even B'day Can be a freebie!

Sign up for those birthday restaurant deals & have your b'day cake & eat it too!