Sick Puppy Parvo Parvo and how it attacks puppies... en-us Sick Puppy Tue, 02 Sep 2008 23:15:15 GMT <p>Hello - I write this blog in hopes to recieve positve encouragment that my new puppy Maddie a black lab will make it through the fight against Parvo.</p> <p><br /> Maddie was a rescue from a home where she was beaten and abused. She is about 5 months old.</p> <p>On Sunday I woke to hear Maddie heaving which gave me chills. I have been around many dogs and I know that this is one of the first sign of Parvo. I immediatly ran to her aide. She didn't vomit or have diarrehea however wasn't eating. Of course this was over the Labor day weekend. (YIKES) I rushed maddie to one of the emergency centers where I was told the news she tested positive for Parvo.</p> <p>Knowing that Parvo can be very deadly to puppies/dogs I opted for the hopital treatment and to leave her at the emergency center. It was very hard taking the lead and collar home that day with out my puppy. I do have another dog about 8 years of age and was concered with her catching it however was assured today by my vet that she should be okay as she has her shots. (Booster)</p> <p>Maddie was transfered to my vet this morning and is in stable condition however still dealing with the vomiting and diarrehea. It has already been very costly and my total is around $1100.00 with the deposit today at my Vets office. I'm very worried that Maddie might not make it however know that the Vet is doing everything in her power to save her.</p> <p>The good thing is it was caught early and she is getting medical help. Because Maddie hasn't had any of her shots yet I was worried of the possible infection again. I have cleaned the entire house inside and out with Bleach and also sprayed the entire yard with bleach. I must say that I had some really pretty green grass this year however in a matter of what seemed like moments it was gone. I hope I have take all precautions to prevent the infection again when Maddie does return home.</p> <p>If you can share any encouraging stories about recovery and healthy stories of your dogs recovery it would be much apperciated. <br /> <br /> While I do feel for those who have lost their puppies/dogs I would really like encouraging stories of recovery. <br /> <br /> Thanks,<br /> Lee</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>