Gail's Green $$ Tips Misc frugal ideas that I've used to save money and/or recycle & repurpose items. en-us saving on milk Sun, 14 Sep 2008 13:16:55 GMT <p>I've found two ways to save on milk costs.</p> <p>#1 If milk is on sale, but extra and freeze it.&nbsp; It may take close to a full day to defrost, but tastes perfectly fine.</p> <p>#2 Buy whole Vit D or 2% and cut it in half with water.&nbsp; I use a washed out gallon jug of milk we've just finished and fill it half way with the milk and then top it off with water. (Actually, I go about 2/3 full).&nbsp; Obviously, I do the same with the other half of the milk.&nbsp; You still have the same nutrients, it's just that your milk's fat content has been cut in half.</p> saving yogurt Sat, 13 Sep 2008 02:47:10 GMT <p>If you buy the wider-mouthed yogurt without a plastic top and you or your kids can't finish it all at one time, put a Pringles top on it and refridgerate for later.&nbsp;&nbsp;The top fits perfectly!</p>