See a Penny Pick It Up My blog is about living within your means and being content with it. I also hope to help people realize that a penny here or there can and will make a difference. See a penny, pick it up, and all day long you'll have good luck. en-us cheap and green Sat, 30 Aug 2008 19:20:26 GMT <p><span style "font-family: Tahoma">I live in south carolina&nbsp;and we are experiencing a 10 year drought with small amounts of rain every now and then.&nbsp; We have had to start regulating or water usages.&nbsp; No washing cars or watering lawns, which is fine by me I don't like washing my car and I live in the middle of a pasture, my lawn gets bush-hogged not mowed so no watering there. I say all this to say that I have had to revert to doing a navy shower.&nbsp; Get wet, cut off water, soap up, and rinse.&nbsp; Quick and less water used.&nbsp; Our water usage has gone down&nbsp;a good bit doing this and the bill is coming down too.</span></p> <p><span style "font-family: Tahoma">Green is becoming so popular now.&nbsp; I was green many years ago and we were called hippies not eviromentalist.&nbsp; I grew up with carpooling and recycling and reusing.&nbsp; Not only because it was good for the environment, but because we were poor.&nbsp; My parents grew up during the depression, got into the groove with the hippie movement, and raised my sisters and I to love the land, save what we can, and do it as cheap as we can.</span></p> <p><span style "font-family: Tahoma">Being green can be the ultimate in frugal.&nbsp; I like to read Pam's Pennypinching blog because she is green.&nbsp; She buys vintage (with style of course) and she keeps things out of landfills by reusing and repurposing.&nbsp; That is awesome.</span></p> <p><span style "font-family: Tahoma">I used to drive to work, back home for lunch, back to work, then home again in the evening.&nbsp; That wasted so much gas.&nbsp; I live less than 5 miles from work.&nbsp; I realized that 1. I was hurting the environment and 2. I was spending a lot of money on gas.&nbsp; I now stay at work during lunch.&nbsp; I also do not drive my car on Sundays.&nbsp; I have cut my gas bill from $120 per month to $90.&nbsp; I did a green thing by reducing my carbon footprint and I put more green in my pocket.</span></p> <p><span style "font-family: Tahoma">See how you can reduce waste and increase cash.</span></p> Debt Sat, 10 Mar 2007 15:08:44 GMT <p>I finally got out of the debt I got myself into 5 years ago.&nbsp; I did a total 360 on the way I spend and save.</p> <p>I want everyone to know that it is possible to pull yourself out of the quagmire of debt.&nbsp; I have a rather low paying job and am single so if I can do it anyone can.</p> <p>I have learned a few things over the last 5 years:</p> <p>1. God&nbsp;and your&nbsp;family/friends are the best thing you have </p> <p>2. Goodwill and the local library&nbsp;are your friends </p> <p>3. Free food is a blessing</p> <p>4. Entertainment can be had for free just about anywhere</p> <p>5. Money is not as important as your health</p> <p>Bless you all who are in debt, coming out of debt, or don't have debt.&nbsp; You will overcome it-just have patience.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Christmas Sun, 24 Dec 2006 01:46:36 GMT <p>I am giving my sisters and my mother a Christmas basket with food goodies and some lotion. Weird combo, but we are a weird family.&nbsp; I have one sister who doesn't give gifts because her husband won't let her.&nbsp; She is allowed to give the children gifts, but not her siblings or apparently our mother either.&nbsp; I could care less whether she gets me anything or not, but she she doesn't even acknowledge my mother with a gift.&nbsp; She does however, come and eat our food (she doesn't bring anything to the dinner) and she takes some of it home with her to my brother-in-law.&nbsp; He doesn't attend our dinner.&nbsp; My sister and her husband are not poor by any means.&nbsp; They have money.&nbsp; I don't won't gifts because I can buy my own things.&nbsp; I would just like for her to acknowledge us in a nicer way than rushing in, eating, taking, and getting the heck out of dodge.&nbsp; She doesn't do this with her in-laws, just her family.&nbsp; </p> <p>I am slightly bitter about this and apologize for the tone.&nbsp; I have a great family whom I love.&nbsp; I love this sister too.&nbsp; She is different and I accept that, but we are still putting a cap on the amount of leftovers she takes home this year.</p> <p>The point of this blog is: love your family, embrace their differences, because that is your family and Christmas is about family.&nbsp; Evan weird sisters need love too.</p> Celebrate Sun, 19 Nov 2006 16:15:59 GMT <p>I will be having a busy Thanksgiving.&nbsp; I will be painting my bathroom.&nbsp; I have picked a light yellow color.&nbsp; I am looking forward to the end result not the the process.&nbsp; </p> <p>Small celebrations are what we have here.&nbsp; No big blowout, that is for Christmas.&nbsp; I&nbsp; did some stocking up on holiday foods.&nbsp; Good sales this week.&nbsp; I will be staying away from shopping on Friday even though it is a tax free weekend.&nbsp; I am scared of the crowds.&nbsp; I will not fight with someone over a piece of Chinese electronics.&nbsp; I will paint that bathroom and thumb my nose at commercialism. </p> <p>Everyone have a safe and happy holiday.&nbsp; Enjoy your loved ones and be thankful that you are alive.&nbsp; God Bless You!!!</p> Stockpiling Fri, 10 Nov 2006 04:06:44 GMT <p>Yesterday I went to the dollar store and grocery store and I stock piled.&nbsp; I bought 4 - 100 oz laundry detergents. I bought candles, we have bad ice storms here (I'm in the south- no snow just ice- go figure) and our power goes out a lot.&nbsp;&nbsp; I bought lots of cleaning and beauty supplies. I bought a lot of frozen foods (or foods I will freeze).&nbsp; I am stocking the pantry and freezer.&nbsp; I also did a little Christmas shopping too.&nbsp; </p> <p>I did all this and saved $20 using coupons.&nbsp; I had coupons for brand name and store brand (my grocery store does this on their products sometimes).&nbsp; I have this plan that by the end of this weekend I will have everything I need so I won't have to shop until sometime in 2007.&nbsp; From my previous blogs, you will see a pattern. Retail shopping scares me.&nbsp; I am basically a hermit who likes to hibernate during the winter.&nbsp; I even won on Ebay a box of 127 romance books ( I love these) so I don't even have to go to the library - unless I need a non-fiction fix.&nbsp; Getting back to hibernating- I wish I could lose half my body weight like a bear. Ahh to wish and to dream.</p> <p>As always &quot;See a Penny Pick it Up - and put it in a JAR!!&quot;</p> Alternative Places to Shop for Christmas Mon, 06 Nov 2006 00:17:38 GMT <p>I will be getting most of my Christmas gifts from the grocery store this year as I am doing food gifts.&nbsp;I told my niece ( a 20 year old)&nbsp;I already had her gift picked out.&nbsp; She said I hope its food.&nbsp; I just snickered, but didn't tell her that she was right.&nbsp; She and her husband love snack food and they are saving money to buy a home so they don't spend money on it.&nbsp; I am putting together a snack food box for them.</p> <p>I have bought a few things that weren't food related.&nbsp; I bought some CD's&nbsp;for my other niece and nephew at Target.&nbsp; I bought their clothes at a large Wecycled sale that was held here in September.&nbsp; Wecycled is a great event here in our county.&nbsp; Women will bring in their childrens gently used clothes, equipment, and&nbsp;even some household items and it's sold at 1/4 its original price.&nbsp;&nbsp;Everything is in top notch&nbsp;condition.&nbsp; I don't have children, but I go to find things for my nieces and nephews.</p> <p>I have decided this year that&nbsp;if I can't find what I&nbsp;am looking for for Christmas at the grocery store, local Dollar General/Family&nbsp;Dollar&nbsp;stores, or at thrift stores then I will give money.&nbsp;I have even&nbsp;considered the internet.&nbsp;</p> <p>I have had it with Christmas at the mall or department stores in general.&nbsp; Its crowded, expensive, and people are just down right rude.&nbsp; Frankly, I hyperventilate at the mall as it is too crowded.&nbsp; Which I guess in a way helps me stay within the realm of frugality.</p> <p>Christmas is a wonderful time of year.&nbsp; Do not feed the beast (COMMERCIALISM).&nbsp; My mother always says, &quot;If you can't eat it or wear it, what's the point?&quot;</p> Costumes Wed, 01 Nov 2006 22:00:43 GMT <p>Yesterday was Halloween.&nbsp; Our town does a downtown business owners candy give out for the children.&nbsp; We live in a rural area and the children really can't trick or treat out here.&nbsp; My niece and nephew wore homemade outfits, except my baby nephew who wore a purchased duck outfit.&nbsp; He was so cute.</p> <p>How come costume for adults (and some children too) are getting down right vulgar?&nbsp; I am not a prude by any means, but give me a break.&nbsp; My seven year old niece&nbsp;would not have been appropriate in a&nbsp;French maid's outfit.&nbsp; &nbsp;They made their own costumes because what they had to pick from and the price were outrageous.</p> <p>I don't understand when or why Halloween became the holiday to channel your inner skank. It was on the news last&nbsp; night about the raunchy costumes available this year.&nbsp; Lots of parents were taken aback at the inappropriate costumes for their kids.</p> <p>Homemade costumes are more frugal if you use materials on hand. This also gives you the option of what the kids will look like. Creativity is alive and well at my sister's house.&nbsp; I don't have kids so I borrow hers.</p> <p>Thanks for letting me ramble.</p> Recycling Tue, 31 Oct 2006 14:34:33 GMT <p>This year is the year that I started&nbsp;recycling.&nbsp; I am late getting on the bandwagon.&nbsp; I have recycled aluminum cans for years, but not other materials.&nbsp; This year my resolution was to recycle.</p> <p>Where I live we do not have curbside garbage or recycled materials pickup.&nbsp; We have to haul it ourselves to the landfill/recycle center.&nbsp; I have been pretty diligent in doing this.&nbsp; I was pretty proud of myself until the other day.&nbsp; </p> <p>I cleaned out my refrigerator and instead of recycling the plastic containers I threw them in the trash. I had a stinky onion in the fridge that made everything stink.&nbsp; I threw out all kinds of stuff.&nbsp; I couldn't keep it in the recycling bin which was in the house.&nbsp; I felt bad, but I couldn't stand the smell.</p> <p>I am trying to help the earth and do my part as a human on this planet..&nbsp; I am trying.&nbsp; </p> <p>This post is just a reminder that sometimes people fail, but they have to keep on trying.&nbsp; </p> <p>Do what you can, when you can, and be true to your principals.&nbsp; And above all -remember that you are only human.</p> Frugal Christmas Fri, 27 Oct 2006 16:10:56 GMT <p>I want to thank all those who gave me some great jar recipes and websites. I appreciate it. I will definately be using some of them.&nbsp; </p> <p>I have always tried to give something to each person in my family something for Christmas even if I have been completely broke.&nbsp; I don't do this because I expect gifts in return. I actually just enjoy watching them open their gifts.&nbsp; I don't think they understand this concept&nbsp;because they act funny if they didn't get me something in return.&nbsp; Giving is my Christmas fun.&nbsp; </p> <p>My sister asked me the other day what I wanted for Christmas.&nbsp; She is more broke than I am, but she too likes to give so I told her toilet paper.&nbsp; She laughed and asked, &quot; Are you joking?&quot;. I said that toilet paper is a necessity that I have to have and it doesn't spoil and size or color don't matter.&nbsp; She looked at me funny and said okay. I have always been the weird one in the family.&nbsp; </p> <p>One year I asked for shampoo/conditioner, towels, garbage bags.&nbsp; I have all the knicknacks that I will ever need so I ask for household products.&nbsp; I love it even though it may be a little weird.&nbsp; One year,&nbsp;as a special treat for me, my mother bought me 2 ribeyes.&nbsp; Nothing says Christmas like red meat. (HA HA HA)</p> <p>Enjoy the holidays and don't get caught up in the hype.&nbsp; Remember family is more important than material things.&nbsp; Give the gift of time if you are short on cash.&nbsp; I'd rather spend time with the family than have a bunch of dust catchers.</p> Gifts Tue, 24 Oct 2006 16:01:39 GMT <p>This year I am preparing food gifts for my family.&nbsp; I am planning on mixes in a jar.&nbsp; My sister gave me 8 mayonaisse jars, that I have cleaned real well and I plan to use them.</p> <p>I was given as a gift recently of 10 pounds of brown sugar, so I would be appreciative if someone had a great recipe for a jar mix that included brown sugar as an ingredient.</p> <p>I also plan on doing a family portrait for my mother of all of her grandchildren. I think she will love it.</p> <p>What are some other good ideas for low effort crafts or edibles?&nbsp; Christmas will be tight this year as I will have to buy a new mattress.&nbsp; I can't keep putting it off.&nbsp; My back is starting to kill me.</p> <p>Thanks for any input you can give.</p> Gift Drawer Mon, 09 Oct 2006 02:34:34 GMT <p>I have a gift drawer which I fill over the year with things I buy on sale for family and friends.&nbsp; I have saved a lot over the years by planning ahead. </p> <p>I love to shop.&nbsp; It is a pastime that I have shared with my mother ( a common bond) since I can remember. We both enjoy it.&nbsp; In the not so distant past, shopping consisted of swiping the credit card and buying something full price as a gift.&nbsp; No more! Shopping Fun however, Debt Bad.</p> <p>I now shop with cash and with an unhidden agenda. Buy a great gift for little to no money.&nbsp; I shop year round for appropriate gifts for friendsand family.&nbsp; For example, I love Bath and Body Works products.&nbsp; I am on their mailing list, so I get free product offers.&nbsp; Most times the offers are spend $15.00 and get a free product.&nbsp; I use their hand soaps because I love them and they are the only high end luxury I allow myself.&nbsp; I wait until they go on sale for 5 for $15.00 and then buy and use my free product card.&nbsp; I usually keep the free product in my gift drawer to give away at Christmas or birthdays.</p> <p>Sometimes I get promotional materials at work, that I use as gifts.&nbsp; I look to closeout sales, clearance racks, and sometimes garage sales in ritzy neighborhoods for great finds.&nbsp; </p> <p>If you always have an eye out, and have something on hand for a gift&nbsp; then you need not pay full price for anything.</p> <p>Remember every penny counts!</p> My health got better when I went broke! Fri, 29 Sep 2006 12:29:16 GMT <p>About 4 years ago, I was in a high stress job as a stock portfolio manager.&nbsp; I was burnt out, overweight, and in major debt. Needless to say I was not loving life.&nbsp; I had to drive to work 1 hour one way and my quality of life was not great.</p> <p>God blessed my with a layoff (the company moved to Denver and I didn't).&nbsp; Yes, blessed was how I looked at it.&nbsp; I hated that job and God knew it.&nbsp; I was out of work and scared.&nbsp; I had bills to pay. I was flat broke even though my previous job had paid a lot.&nbsp; I was throwing money right and left because I was entitled or so I thought. </p> <p>I found a local job that I love even though the pay is not as much as I was making before.&nbsp; It is not stressful, and it is a wonderful company with great people to work with.&nbsp; I learned to budget and balance my checkbook (which at 32 I didn't know how to do).&nbsp; My weight dropped 80 pounds and I was happy for once in a long time.</p> <p>I learned that sometimes big money and a fancy title doesn't make you happy.&nbsp; So when the next time adversity hits you in whatever form, may it is for the better.</p> <p>Think about it.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Freebies Sun, 24 Sep 2006 01:21:12 GMT <p>I am not the biggest fan of Wal-Mart, due to many reasons (of&nbsp; which it is too crowded- my #1), but I will say that has a good free samples selection that I have used and have been really pleased with.&nbsp; </p> <p>I like to try new products, but I hate when I buy a full sized product and find out after a couple of uses that I either&nbsp;break out, hate the effect, or am just not impressed.&nbsp; I find samples to be a great and free way to check to see if the product is for me or not.</p> <p>For example, I recently tried a new laundry detergent that smelled like lavender and vanilla.&nbsp; I like both scents, so I tried it.&nbsp; When I washed my sheets with it, I was really grossed out by the smell.&nbsp;It stunk.&nbsp;I am glad that I did not spring for the full size bottle for $5.24.&nbsp; I would have been disappointed, out the cash, and would have had to pass it along to my co-worker.&nbsp; (She gets all my rejects, which have been fewer and fewer since I started using samples.)</p> <p> samples change weekly sometimes daily, so check frequently.&nbsp; It doesn't cost anything to try a free product and sometimes they will send you a coupon too.&nbsp; BONUSSS! </p> <p>Please keep in mind that I am not an employee or affliated with Wal mart in any way.&nbsp; I just ran across this and have been pleased.&nbsp; </p> <p>Enjoy and Have a Great Day!</p>