Laura's wacky world My wacky view on the world. en-us Heart walk bagel sale Thu, 20 Mar 2008 12:36:33 GMT <p>My employer is a big supporter of the American heart Association.&nbsp; This is a cause very very close to home for me.&nbsp; Quite a few female members (including my dear departed mother) died from heart disease and I myself have recently been diagnosed with it.&nbsp; Please if your reading make whatever size donation you can to prevent more needless suffering and death from bad hearts.</p> Oh really now? Wed, 27 Feb 2008 20:24:26 GMT <p>Is this an effective use of the Congress's time in Washington?</p> <p>Investingating professional basball and now they are asking the Justice Department to investigate if Roger Clemens lied to them.</p> <p>Skyrocketing inflation, a war overseas and your worried about a bunch of overpriced sports players using growth hormones?</p> Stress - can you eat that with or without chocolate? Fri, 22 Feb 2008 16:55:54 GMT <p>What to talk about today???&nbsp; How about some stress?&nbsp; Here are my stressors not necessarily in order</p> <p>#1 - my job</p> <p>#2 my SO G has been living with me for 2 months and I swear some days it is more stressful than my job.</p> <p>#3 - my finances.&nbsp; One of my biggest priorities is to get everything under control.</p> <p>#4 the biggest.&nbsp; On Monday G &amp; I became home owners.&nbsp; For me its my first time owning.&nbsp; While I am very excited its is very scary.&nbsp; I'm trying to set up a budget, I have a list of priorities and I keep changing my mind.&nbsp;&nbsp; I'm planning on putting aside $1,000 for an emergency fund.&nbsp; I'm not sure how old the home is but I bet its from the 70's (based on the teal blue tub and bathroom sink).&nbsp; I know the furnace is about that old and you know what they like to do?&nbsp; Yeah break and cost you money to fix or replace them.</p> My introduction Thu, 21 Feb 2008 18:29:44 GMT <p>First thank you for stopping by.&nbsp; This blog is my first sttempt please bear with me.</p> <p>I'm Laura living in beautiful NW Ohio.&nbsp; I'm 42, a single mom of a now out of the house on his own son, mother to 3 cats (yes they are like my children), Significat other to G.&nbsp; For MY sake we will keep his name a secret, he's weird about that kind of stuff.&nbsp; If he will be happy we'll play that game.&nbsp; Poor man has to live with me so we can keep that little secret.</p> <p>Hobbies include crafts, crafts and oh I forgot crafts.&nbsp; Right now I have 2 scrapbooks in progress, some sewing projects waiting and several other things waiting.&nbsp; I also fancy myself a photographer.&nbsp; I've never had anything exhibited or won any awards (other than the ones in my mind) but I enjoy taking pictures.</p> <p>More tomorrow Have a good day/night. </p> <p>Hint - stress</p>