teen mommie http://www.myfrugallife.com/blog_sherbear_12.html 19 year old stay at home mommie with one little boy and a little girl on the way... not much to do but spend time with my new and growing family! en-us mold on stroller Mon, 23 Jul 2007 19:38:39 GMT http://www.myfrugallife.com/post74784428_sherbear_12.html <p>i have this stroller the one made to carry the car seat... well it has been put in storage for a couple of month and just pulled out a week ago ...now after examining it i have found i have a mold problem .... there is mold all over it in different areas.. i have tried to wash it with bleach for colors and then tried to soak it in hott water with the same bleach scrubbing it for hours. but still i was unable to get it out .... is there anyhing else i can do to try to get it out or do i just need to buy a new one?</p>