Pantry Stocking
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Summer is here and I'm looking forward to shopping and stocking my pantry and freezer. As a teacher I don't always have time to cruise the shelves for sales and markdown meats. I try to really stock up during the summer. This year I also planted a small vegetable garden. I hope to have some veggies to blanche and freeze. I might also try some container gardening on the front porch. A friend of ours who lives out in a rural area has a fancy hydroponics set up with fish and vegetables. The fish poo fertilizes the water for the plants and the plants help keep the water clean. So they get to eat fish and veggies. I've never seen anything like it.
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Cooking for Two
Sunday, May 24, 2009
After cooking for nine children for years, I am finding that I have to learn how to cook for two or three with out buckets full of leftovers. Neither of us likes to eat the same casserole for days at a time; nor do I want to fill the freezer with little plastic containers of leftovers. I just need some tasty recipes for two. I've grilled chicken far too much and need some inspiration. Any ideas??
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