My dog has Parvo
Sunday, March 16, 2008
I have a 15 week old chihuahua that has been exposed to parvo and now he has it.He woke up wednesday night vomiting once,thursday he was fine and back to himself,thursday it was downhill again,friday was the same thing,I talk to the local vet and he said to bring him in on monday so I hope that he makes it,he has been sick for going on four days and is still holding on so I am praying that he makes it,he hasn't thrown up this morning being sunday and he is resting in his favorite spot,we gave him some pepto saturday night what we could anyways he didn't like it but he is still drinking some water and we got a baby syringe full of pedialyte in him also.Does anyone have any other advice that would help me I haven't slept any at all saturday night,He is like a child to me and my husband and are hoping that he will pull through this,the person that we got him from said that he gave him one parvo shot before we got him so maybe that is helping him to hold on and he is still peeing and moving around just not the same littleman that usually runs around.
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