What would you do?
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I recently broke my ankle in three places and was found without insurance and no extra money to spare. When I asked my company that I work for what was the insurance company we had because I had slipped and fell at home. Thier response was "What Insurance? My handbook clearly states that after 90 days I would have health insurance and the company would pay 50% of all medical expenses. I have been employed for a year. I am forced to pay private and asking for a payment plan with the hospitals and specialists is like a sin. They treated me like I was dirt, Like I had a disease. I have never been so humiliated. At a time like this all you can do is pray and hope you will find someone kind enough to listen. I am selling Jewlery, MCcaws, my car, My designer purses, I will sell everything so that I can fix my leg.
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