Blog: Devine Insanity

My blog? Hmm. Well, i don't know! I haven't written anything yet. I'm guessing it will change pretty often. I work for a certain gov't agency for Women Infants and Children so I come home w/ daily anecdotes about my worklife. And I am a wife and mom and life at our house is a delightful struggle for sanity.

Hello Everyone!
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Well, this is my first post on this site. I have a myspace page as well. That blog isnt as... censored as this one will be, I am sure!  I hope to use this site to brag about my thrifty finds and share the love of being cheap w/ others!  My fave places to shop are: The Store (a collective code name for The Salvation Army and Goodwill), Kmart, Dollar General and really ALLLL Dollar Stores.  I love antique shops as well but I will only shop the clearance stuff.  That goes for The Mall as well. I REFUSE  to pay full price for anything!!!

I'm off to bargain hunt! Wish me luck!

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Huntington , WV USA
About Me:

I'm 30-ish (technically 31 but I changed my birthday this yr to June 21 from Dec. 21st. I'll explain more about that later). I am a Lactation Counselor which leads to fantastic stories from the office, not to mention everyday life. When I tell folks what I do for a living I get a gammut of responses. Some supportive from Mommies and Daddies alike. A lot of smarty pants comments from people who think I must be a crazy crunchy hippie or something. Which I'm not at all. I also enjoy party/wedding planning. I grew up in the Bridal Biz and slaved away onthe frontlines of the Trenches of Retail Bridal for 6 years.

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January 2008
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