Sneaking in whole grains
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Everyone in my family likes white bread or 'dead bread', as I call it. I wanted to get them to eat more healthy, so I came up with a sneaky way: since I make my bread by hand, I simply mix a bag of either whole wheat flour or white whole wheat flour with the white flour in the canister. The white whole wheat actually works best, as the taste is not as strong as the red whole wheat. My family doesn't care for the whitle whole wheat taste alone, but no one has complained about it being mixed with the white flour. What they don't know won't hurt them!
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meatless meal
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Tonight we had broccoli chowder and Irish soda bread. Well, the two younger boys had baked potatoes and bread, but that's nothing new.
I am trying to slash costs around here, and I'm sure most people know, it isn't easy. But tonight was a winner! I'm tired, but glad my family liked the meal I fixed. I will have to try to have more meatless meals.
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Getting Ready for Baby
Sunday, September 14, 2008
So it's baby #5---and a complete surprise, I have to admit. I left all our baby stuff in California because...well, we were done. Ha ha!
Anyway, thanks to my sister and a church baby shower the baby is good to go.
So what am I doing to get ready? Well, I've gotten some cloth wipes ready, for one thing. Moved a dresser into our bedroom for all the excess clothing. I'm getting ready to sew some light cotton sheet/blankets out of old pillowcases. I was going to make napkins, but then thought that sometimes it is nice to have a very light blanket at certain times. And you can never have too many burp rags, either.
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