Writing paper
Saturday, July 10, 2010
I work from home and I have long stopped purchasing note books. Instead, when I clean out file folders I keep the tossed sheets of paper (normal print stock), I keep them in a stack at my desk and use them to jot notes down on the back (clean) side, do calculations, etc. There is a system- I write the customer's name at the top of the sheet and the date then if i have to follow up it goes in my tickler file, if not it I file it in a binder folder alphabetically,. Benefits: 1. Save at least one biggish tree a year 2. Generate less garbage. 3. Save a few dollars for my employers. On more benefit: I feel real good saving that biggish tree. If 100,000 persons in Canada and the US did that we would save a little forest for a while.
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