heating vents/dust
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Just thought I would drop this tip to help some people who suffer dust allergies. I would and could dust everyday during the winter months until I found a cheap solution for my house. I remembered when I was a child that my mother would always cover her heating vents with cheese cloth. It leaves the heat flow through but yet catches all of those particles of dirt and dust. Since I have started to use this I have noticed a big change in the dust and haven't had to dust as often. I have felt the difference with my allergies also.
Just take enough of cheese cloth to wrap around the heat register and place the register back into area. You will have to replace it when you can start to see the dirt build up or the cheese cloth becomes torn. A pack of cheese cloth goes a long way. I have covered all 7 of mine and I still have about half a pack left and the pack cost less than $3.00...
Stay warm and with less dusting....
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How to be economical with dryer sheets
Monday, March 23, 2009
Hello friends sorry it's been awhile. My tip for today is making your dryer sheets last longer but still work for you.. I learned a tip awhile ago to cut your dryer sheets in half. I take about 20 to 25 out of a big box of 200 and cut them at one time and then I keep the cut ones in a smaller box that I bought earlier. So instead of using 2 whole dryer sheets in a load of laundry I can use 3 halves. You can use whatever amount you think you may need. The point is when you use only 1 whole dryer sheet it is only getting in one area at a time. But if you use 2 halves then you are able to get to 2 different spots at a time. It just seems to work better for me and it has saved my family money. Every little bit saved adds up over time. Now if there was only a way to save with the laundry detergent, lol...Happy saving everyone...
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coupon book
Monday, March 02, 2009
Hey friends thought I would tell you about a coupon organizer that I made and have used for almost 2 years now. I took a 2 to 3 inch binder and put those trading card holders in the binder. I then added my coupons into the binder and put them into categories such as dairy, snacks, breakfast items and misc. This makes it easier for me to keep up with the coupons that I have because I can see them with just the flip of a page. And if you like you can put a folder pocket in front of the binder to hold coupons that are going to expire soon or maybe even hold your grocery lists. It has made using coupons easier for me and I don't have as many coupons expire without being used. I wasted a lot of coupons because I couldn't keep up with what I had or didn't have. Hope it helps someone out there. Till next time.....
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Saturday, February 28, 2009
I have so many loads of clothes to wash every day that I don't always get around to getting all the clothes on hangers put away. So sometimes we might want that special shirt or article of clothes that could still be in the laundry room. With 4 of us I don't want to look through everybody elses clothes to find my own. Everyone in he house has their own color of hangers. For instance my husband has green hangers, mine are green felt, my son has blue or black and my daughter has purple or pink. If I want to just grab my clothes to put away I just look for all the green felt hangers. It just makes laundry a little more easier. Also if I tell the kids to put their clothes away they can walk in and know exactly which clothes are their hangers. That simple trick has helped our family with one less hassle.
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