Life changes and saving money starting a daycare
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
In September 2007 I had had it with working for someone else. A mentally unstable supervisor, gossiping coworkers and working in a tiny cubicle with poor air quality drove me crazy. I decided to open a home daycare and needed to get ready. I started buying toys, baby gear, etc at garage sales, through online second hand ads, and at thrift stores. I left February 2008 and started my daycare.
The first month money was tight in with limited clients. Second month I had 4 children and throughout the year grew until February 2009 when I became full with 8!
The kids are awesome-3 babies, 4 toddlers and 1 schoolage child. I work 60+ hours a week. It's exhausting but better than working for someone else who treats you bad. There are financial pros and cons to having my own business and working from home. The pros are: no gas bill, eat lunch at home, dress casually so limited need for dress clothes, seldom get Starbucks anymore. Cons: pay higher taxes, no employer helping with retirement savings. Since I just completed my first year will be interested to see how much I actually made.
The weather in ND limits the rummage sale season so I spend most of the year looking online for second hand toys and whatever else I need for the business. Online grocery delivery is a Godsend for saving money and time (limited implulse buying). Sam's Club is great for frozen lunch items, milk, paper products and cleaning supplies.
Children's furniture is so overpriced so I became creative. I bought a wood dining room table second hand for $20 and had my hubby cut the legs to child height. Bought 6 12 in stools from Lowe's for around $12 each (military discount).
Time for bed-will add more later.
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