Blog: making do and recycling in idaho

love reusing and making things we need-- not always buying new. love old recipes. and new uses for old things

gardening to live healthier
Friday, January 04, 2008

The seed catalogs are here again-- Yeah! Love to read them and pick new thing-- or rather new old things.  We prefer the old heritage seeds, and save our own to plant.
  Have plenty of green beans, and potatoes and onions left, enough corn, but need to add more cabbage next year.
  Have lots of dry beans too-- think we'll have enough till next crop.
  Dehydration is a good tool to-- dried foods save space and don't need  electricity to keep-- good along with canning.
  And we know that all is organic-because that's how we raise them!
  Along with lamb and chickens and eggs( dogs killed all the hens-- so new chicks in the spring and new fencing)
  Anyone else doing this?-- sure hope so. With all the food contamination scares and re-calls--no problem here!


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c kni
Idaho bingham
About Me:

Am a 67 year old woman--wife, mother,grandmother,great grandmother. We garden, raise sheep(hair sheep), geese, and chickens. Have our apple, plum,cherry and apricot trees. Most of our 6 kids live near us, we have 12 grands and four great grands I knit, crochet, bead,make candles and soap. bake bread, make cheese, and butter. Make sausage, jerky . I Can,freeze and dehydrate food for storage. this looks like a group I'll love

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January 2008
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