Soutth West Canada...My Thoughts by Brian Part 2 of 12
Friday, January 09, 2009
The city of Calgary has a population of nearly a million it is described as the posh part of Canada with mainly office blocks and light industry.
I each housing area there is a local shopping centre with very large shops, I visited one centre and a book shop was larger than my local Tesco store.
The people of Calgary are very loyal and patriotic they also have a totally different sense of humor and keep themelves to themselves.
Trying to communicate with the people is very hard work, I must have had the quietest 3 weeks since I was a child and people know I like to chat.
I have still not been able to work out what the people do in their social life the city centre is dead at night I could not see many places of entertainment, I did see a lot of overweight people. They obviously have a different way of living and do not know any other way, I would imagine a large proportion have never been outside Calgary there are not many place to go.
The city of Calgary is very clean the large majority of people are white, I was not aware of any immigrants and the crime rate is very low to what we are used to.
Next I will be talking about the transport system..
I have had a few emails and welcome your questions and comments.......
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