New to Puppies!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Last night, I did my first pet adoption. It was probably one of the hardest things I've done in a long time. I knew that I wanted a DOG, not a puppy; I needed an animal that was already house trained and not as high maintenance as a puppy. Yet, after looking over all the animals, multiple times mind you, I ended up leaving with a puppy. Her name is Cassie, a 3 month lab/retriever mix who is incredibly anti-social and fearful of everything. I had a world of trouble getting her home. Today, I'm covered in scratches from her trying to claw her way off of me. I suppose this brings me to my point.
This beautiful new puppy of mine, has some very big issues. I don't know what to do! When I read up on kennel training, I learned I should use treats to ease the dog/puppy into the kennel. When I got home and set up Cassie's kennel, she ran right in and it's so much of a trouble to get her out. I don't want to force her to come out, because it is her safe haven. She was also spayed four days ago, and I don't want her to strain herself. I got a few wags of the tail this morning, and many licks of my hand, but I can't seem to get her out of that kennel. Also, I have to carry her to go outside to the bathroom. When I put her in the grass, she'll walk around, sit, stare, shake, walk around some more (for about 7 minutes) until she decides to finally go. Afterwards, she will not walk back to my apartment. I have to pick her up, and carry her inside.
I'm just looking for some help. I've never owned my own puppy before and I'm sure I'm in for something big. Any advice that can be given is greatly appreciated. Hopefully she'll warm up soon, because I have a lot of love to give her!
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