Simple Life
Monday, November 05, 2007
I am the proud mama of four rottweillers--Holly, Hailey, Harley & Hannah, two cats-Spke and Tom, two alpaca--Chantel & Bennie, and five Dexter Cows--Pretty Girl, Penelope, Star, Pip and Diana. I had ovarian cancer, then lyphoma so we couldn't have kids, so the animals are our kids. We used to live in town. But Ray was almost killed in a work accident, then I became sick w/lyphoma and we lost our home. Ray is permanently disabled and I am finally back to work. We were homeless for awhile so we lived in the woods. At least the weather was decent it wasn't yet winter. We now have our own home. It is really rough but it is a roof over our heads. It was an old abandoned horse farm. Now we have the alpaca and cows. We are loving this. We will have a garden next year. We are also looking into trying to go all green. What a wonderul life.
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