Saturday, May 02, 2009
It seems to me that there must be a way to clean your clothes that won't cost the earth (literally!) As it turns out, there are plenty of recipes for Homemade Laundry Soap online - but are they cost effective? And can a busy mom reasonably take time to make soap..? Well, the boys are off to the movies so I have a little quiet time to find out.
My recipe required the following items:
- Borax
- Washing Soda
- A Bar of Laundry Soap
- Oxy-type multi-purpose stain remover (optional) - mine came with a plastic measuring spoon that was just the right size!
I found all of these items in the cleaning section at my local Superstore. They aren't cheap though! The consolation is, I doubled the batch and I still have enough to make several more batches. Oh - and my recipe says you only need 1Tbl for a small/lightly soiled load or 2 Tbl for a heavy/dirty load.
The instructions are very straight-forward, and with my "food" processor took minutes to finish. This method does leave small bits of soap in the powder, so warm water is recommended. Also, I add the soap to the water first to allow it to disburse entirely through the water. Next in goes the laundry, and 1/4 vinegar for the rinse cycle to get rid of any remaining soap residue.
So, what is the difference between Soap and Detergent? Soap is naturally made and Detergent is man made. On the plus side, soap is better for the environment however, on the negative side, soap can react with minerals in your water causing your whites to grey. Well, if this is the case I will have to save the soap for dark colors!
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