A few hints to start
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Here are just a few handy hints for home cooking for dogs that I have picked up along the way:
Variety is very important so I divide Lulu's meals up the same way I would my own (wouldn’t you get bored of your food if you ate the same meal at each sitting) So Lulu has Breakfast (normally oat based) Lunch (normally Fish based) and Dinner (normally meat based) Recipes will follow.
Cooking for your Dog does not need to be time consuming; I normally cook in bulk and then divide the food into individual portions and freeze. By doing it that way I only spend an hour or two cooking for two weeks food. You also ensure that the food you are giving your dog is fresh and full of nutrients as it will be cooked and frozen the day that you buy the ingredeance.
You would be surprised at what food and combinations of food your Dog will like, so why not put some of your own food aside for them to try before spending money on something they wont eat, this also prevents your dog from becoming a fussy eater and has made me cook healthier for myself such as not adding salt when cooking. (But always put the food in their bowl and not give them bits while you are eating as your dog will start begging for food while you are eating)
The normal rule when cooking for your dog is 1/3 veg 1/3 meat/fish and 1/3 carbs, but it is well worth researching about what your dogs bread requires as some breads need more or less of certain things (as Lulu is still a puppy she needs extra calcium) and don’t forget if you are unsure about anything your vet will be happy to advise you.
My next post will be on 'good' and 'bad' foods for dogs :-)
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