too much cooked white rice
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Hey there everyone,
My son the newly graduated chef, made so much white rice. I guess he thought he and his friends would be real hungry. He really is an awesome chef, and was even in the junior iron man chef competition, however, I have so much leftover rice, I need ideas. I have read that it can be frozen. Has anyone ever tried to do that? I do have a vacuum sealer. Any recipe ideas would work also. Thank you for any input you can offer.
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Angel Food
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
There is this very awesome website called They have monthly food plans there for 30 per unit. In this unit, is approx. 75 worth of food. There is no qualifications or enrollment fees. They accept food stamps, cash and debit I believe. It depends on the location for the debit. You can look every month for the food pkges. and order, usually by the second wknd of the month. You then go pick up the food 2 wks later. The food is very very good quality. To find the location nearest you, you type in your zip code and they tell you all the locations close to you. This is available in many states. I now have my sons friends at school using this as well as other people. A visit to this site is highly recommended.
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hard boiled eggs
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
When my son was younger, I had a few broken eggs when he thought they were hard boiled but weren't. So, I started dying them. Yes, we had Easter eggs often, since they both knew that only died eggs were cooked. It's a lot better than wasting and of course cleaning also
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