09 Chiefs
Friday, March 20, 2009
Hi Chief fans. The season has yet to begin but I am ready. We now have a new coach and GM, a few new players which should make an impact. We have a 3rd round draft pick that I think will help also. I will be keeping this blog going. Feel free to add to it as I would like some opinions from around the US just not from a KC view.
A little about me. I am 52 years old or close to it. Been a fan since the early 90's. Season ticket holder for I don't know how many years but it has been several. I go to the draft day partys at Arrowhead and also go to the Training Camps. This one should be interesting with new coaches and players. I live in a small town, work for the IRS, and have retiered from the military. I am also a huge Jayhawk fan so don't go there MU fans. LOL
Thanks for reading.
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