Having a Sale - Hoorah for wooden furniture
Friday, November 02, 2007
We are having an estate/garage sale at my church this weekend. And I have hauled out my wooden furniture from storage. It's the result of several apartments being put together, which gave us an excess of furniture.
But it's all solid wood - oak - pine - and we can sell it off for at least what we paid for it. (We got them at yard sales originally.) Can you say that about fiberboard furniture? No! We have recycled fiberboard bureau drawers abandoned at an old apartment complex - but them we finally gave up and junked them...You can't really repair them as you can wooden furniture.
I still have kept pieces I have refinished - (a big maple dresser from years ago - now it's ended up in the living room). And a piece where I just "corrected" the finish - taking away the paint drips, etc. with a razor blade and a little sanding here & there. It looks like expensive distressed pine now.
I am glad I talked my husband into getting an oak dining room table and matching chairs instead of the chrome ones he was looking at. The oak is so much more durable at the same price. (He bought them at a JC Penney's that was closing.)
We also have some - fiberboard - from Ikea's BARGAIN section - and used 2 of their matching narrow CD towers for storage in the bathroom. That stuff is a compromise with my husband, who hasn't totally been converted to shabby chic. He is still getting used to the idea of vintage and that it has resale value.
I like to collect and every once in a while I do a clear out - really to make room for more collecting! And with vintage, you can make some money - so at least sell it for what you paid for it, so you have gotten use out of it GRATIS.
More later on how the sale panned out. My friend who is into antiques said that nothing would sell - but I have already sold several items before the official sale tomorrow!
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