Saving by having my car breakdown
Monday, October 17, 2011
Well I don't know when the bus became my best friend, but I can tell you that I am saving on gas prices. My gas station ran out of gas today to boot, as a lot of people came to town to buy gas and lottery tickets. I saw the gas truck yesterday filling the tanks, and now the station is out of gas. It goes without saying that the buses will never run out of gas. My pass is$ 22 a month for me and my youngest children ride free. It comes in the morning around 8 am and we can ride to the city for the day, and shop and save. I use coupons at Family Dollar in town, but when you get 20 percent coupon for Salvation Army that is when I take the bus, otherwise I walk to the store a mile away with a cart for the trip back home. Ten blocks total in town to the store. I can say if gas prices keep going up I will keep up with the busing and walking. It is a savings and exercise. I am saving $389 a year. We never did go very far even when our car was working.
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