" A lil help from a friend"
A place where we can share some nice shortcuts that are simple, quick and of course " thrifty" Any kind of hint or shortcut will do, from repairs to recipes to whatever we can offer each other.
3 Posts, Last Post: June 20, 2009
Dog food ideas and more...
Homemade dog food recipes, toys and treats all tested by Lulu the Shih Tzu :-)
1 Post, Last Post: June 16, 2009
Scooters thrifty info
New ways to make old things cool!
1 Post, Last Post: June 14, 2009
Pam's Proud Purchases
I volunteer at the Salvation Army 3 days a week and in general donations are good. What makes me upset is the junk that some people drop off. Just because it's a 2nd hand store doesn't mean send things wiith rips, holes, stains, or any item that just doesn't work. We're not a trash dump. We are proud what we give back to the community. Volunteer once and you'll see what I mean.
2 Posts, Last Post: June 13, 2009
Owner's manual: Welbilt Bread Machine ABM3000
My blog is about finding instructions and/or owner's manuals for kitchen appliances.
1 Post, Last Post: June 11, 2009
Bread Maker Recipes
Since I love most types of bread, I have started converting standard bread recipes so that they could be made in the bread maker.
3 Posts, Last Post: June 11, 2009
My Frugal Los Angeles Life
How to be frugal and live well in a big expensive city!
1 Post, Last Post: June 10, 2009
Pacthtail's Latest Animals Pictures
This blog is about animals around my neighborhood. It could be a cat, dog, bunny, bird, or any kind i can find. ill post them up and tell there names.
1 Post, Last Post: June 9, 2009
Two-Month Summer Fun
As a 14 year old teen, I am looking for close-by activities that will keep me and my twin sister entertained until the beginning of August. My sister and I are both very big shoppers with little money, if that helps. Thank you for your suggestions.
1 Post, Last Post: June 9, 2009
Just looking to exchange coupons with other members.
Looking for Dove, Irish Spring, Poland Springs bottled water, Helamans, Miracle Whip, Oil Of Olay, Lowes, Home Depot, Olive Garden.
1 Post, Last Post: June 8, 2009