Save a little, Live a lot!
Times are tough, and getting tougher. I'm getting along, but not prospering. With help from other thrifty and frugal souls, I hope to do better.
1 Post, Last Post: January 29, 2009
Teri's Thrifty Trials
This blog is about my new saving money journey. With everything going on in the economy, we are not the only family in America trying to save as much money as we can. I have decided that we are going to do whatever it takes to survive and keep a roof over our heads, even if we were to lose our current income. Since I am a stay at home mom, I feel that it's my responsibility to save as much as I can related to the house and family. And, this blog will be my journal, so to speak.
1 Post, Last Post: January 29, 2009
Sandra's Southern Saver Blog
This blog is about saving tips, deals,coupons,what ever I can find about pinching pennies for us in the deep South :)
2 Posts, Last Post: January 25, 2009
SuperMom's Saving Straegies
My blog will be a diary of my saving life and how I live and still have fun!
6 Posts, Last Post: January 25, 2009
Trying to live Frugal in a spendthrift world
Trying to learn how to be thrifty, save money & still live a comfortable lifestyle.
7 Posts, Last Post: January 19, 2009
My Frugal Raw Life
This blog is about the advantages of raw food style - both to your health and purse!
1 Post, Last Post: January 16, 2009
Lucky Lu
1 Post, Last Post: January 15, 2009
Personal Throws
1 Post, Last Post: January 13, 2009
suebee's newme
Need to get real with my eating and healthier with my life!
2 Posts, Last Post: January 11, 2009
steer manure vs cow manure
I am working on a science project and need more information before I decide on a topic.
1 Post, Last Post: January 9, 2009