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Blog Posts on My Frugal Life:

Fake Cakes for Gifts
Monday, August 27, 2012 | By leeleescreations

Hi we would love for you to decorate your home, office or business with beautiful unique gifts such as our fake cakes and desserts!  We would also love to share creating methods for you to try at home!  Visit us at or e-mail us at


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Wire Wrap Jewelry Rescue
Thursday, December 30, 2010 | By begonia

A friend of mine in England sent me a lovely Christmas present this year. The only problem was that it had a bit of a rough passage and arrived in a number of pieces. 

I read the customs declaration sticker and (thought) it said “Seeds.” I shook the package next to my ear, heard it rattle, and smiled. I decided to open it before Christmas because I just couldn’t wait, and my friend had already e-mailed and asked if the package had arrived!  Imagine my surprise when I found that the package contained an art glass pendant and matching earrings in a number of jingling chunks. I took another look at the label and realized it actually said “Beads.” (Don’t ask me how I managed to read it wrong; S--- your handwriting is fine.)

I sat in my recliner with my handful of attractive but broken glass and couldn’t bear to throw it away. Then I thought of my daughter who had made many wire wrapped pendants from beads and smooth hunks of semiprecious stone as Christmas presents for relatives. I asked her if she could do anything with the larger pieces of glass and she said, “Sure!” and spent a few hours making a long necklace out of the glass shards after smoothing the edges on a wet stone.  It turned out to be a beautiful and reversible piece of jewelry. (The back of the glass is green.)

I love my new necklace and it is doubly special because of the friend who sent it and the daughter who refashioned it! Begonia


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from the heart
Thursday, December 09, 2010 | By MzScarlett

The best gifts are free. They are giving of your self to others; listening, caring; showing joy at the sight of others; letting them know that them being there is the greatest gift they can give to you, as they are a treasure and delight to your heart!  Kindness: once years ago I was going through an extremely difficult time in my life; emotionally, etc; and my heart hurt. I was able to keep a smile on my face, work, and as long as no one asked me about it, I was fine. But the moment anyone asked, tears would start to flow.

One day as I was going back to work from walking around on my lunch hour, a man opened the door for me and made a kind comment;  later in the evening I called my grandfather and told him; and said "it's like the world has a famine of kindness"; it's the first time since I can recall in years where someone has just shown kindness to me!" He was familiar with my pain and the difficult time I was going through.

Kindness: is free. And it should just bubble up and out of your being, and flow over all you see, meet, even to others as you walk down the street!  Let us flood the earth with kindness, and peace and goodwill  and joy to others, like the waters covered the earth in Noah's day!  A simple opening of the door and a pleasant comment: brought me to tears during a time when I was in such distress inside that no one would have ever known from the outside.

This AM I got up around 5AM; I peeked outside and saw a raccoon, who was drinking from the tub of water I put out for all God's creatures who might come by needing a drink of water. I was so happy to see them; doesn't have to be fancy; the "tubs" given away by hospitals work wonderfully well as feeders for birds; wash rocks well, then place inside to keep from "tipping" over. If large enough rocks so that birds can land on it and drink; they are delighted to have it to drink and bathe with!

Popcorn from air poppers; no butter or salt; feed birds, as well as any "bread" that does not have mold. They love getting it!  Hummingbirds do not all migrate south; the majority of them do,but some do stay year round! The $1 store sells feeders; simple 4 to 1 solution of sugar and water, boil for 2 minutes; then let cool. No need to add food coloring; keeps them in food all winter long!

Creating memories is what "life" is all about. Not so much as "money" items at all; especially at this time of the year. Living with my aunt when I was younger; she had 4 small children and was working; on her days off she would say "well I should do this and this and this and this"; but I am instead going to go to the river, and have a picnic with my children. For I will never be able to regain the time they are this age; and far to soon they will be grown and gone. That stuff can be put off til later; My focus is going to be on spending my time off with them!"

Loved her attitude, her way of seeing and doing and choosing; somehow she managed when they were sleeping to take care of the laundry, etc; but she never let the "shoulds" take control of her life; and never had to look back with regret saying "I wish I had done this instead";  she did indeed choose wisely, and I thank her for the lesson she taught me!

People are the priority; and choosing to treasure them and letting them know it, from the heart is such a gift; kindness shown to others; just a simple kind remark brought tears to me, back then. I treasure these memories the most; others say "don't you remember this or that about the person; I always respond: no, the acts of kindness are the ones I remember the most. That stand shining above all the others. Simple acts of kindnesses, simple words; that meant  so incredibly much to me.

Be kind, be kind, be kind! Words can be so helpful; and mean so incredibly much that they stand out like lighthouses in memories of dark times in the hearts of someone you never knew was in such hurt.  Words can hurt, or words can heal. Develope a habit of kindness; a kindness in tone, a kindness in attitude, a kindness in not letting your "mind" race ahead of you as you go thru life; but train it to focus on what is being said to you; and paying the gift of kindness to the person enough to hear what is being said; instead of rushing so much through life, with all the "shoulds".  Kindness is free; and from the heart. But it must be developed and worked on;

Things will never mean as much as people do. The "buy buy buy" at Christmas was manufactured by retailers; for the money. The memories will never be of "items" received; but of the gathering together of loved ones; the converstions, the games played with others; the special silly "turkey dance" that became a ritual for the children; that never made any sense at all; but just special memories for the children; who laughed with delight at the person who "created" it just for her children as a memory of holidays! (it was not me, someone I knew) she didn't have much money; but she gave her children the greatest gifts of silliness that anyone ever knew!

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My Boyfriend is turning 19!
Thursday, October 28, 2010 | By BrinaGirl

My boyfriend is turning 19 in 2 weeks and he is an expensive/ picky guy! I need help! He always spends alot on me so I don't want to be cheap about it so my starting off budget is $100 minimum.

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buy in bluk to have on hand
Friday, October 22, 2010 | By MzScarlett

My grandson's LOVE getting cards and I had gotten them quite a few different ones from Leanin Tree; they have a huge variety with various animals, etc that are just outstandingly good quality, and they have matching envelopes.

I went to their website: to see if possible to buy cards at bulk rather than pay the individual price. Glad that I did! They have a clearance section: and I could get 20 cards for a fraction of the cost of buying them individually; and if I ordered $50 worth free S&H. SO: what I DID was: I ordered 2 of the 20 card packages; and a huge bunch of the outstandingly fun and wise flexible magnets that were marked down to only 50 cents each!

I still have quite a few of them; and everyone loves to get one. My sister even comes over to pick out some for her "friends" to give as a gift to!

Grandson's still love getting the cards, as well as magnets. So do my neighbors and everyone else. And I never have to worry about getting a "gift" as I have them on hand!

And it is FUN: to pick ones out for the various people; sometimes putting the $ out can seem like a lot: but in the LONG run, it can REALLY and TRULY save you a TON!

Be wise: and be smart!

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Making this Christmas a Frugal Adventure
Sunday, October 17, 2010 | By leftthesanebehind

I was here today reading about all of the things everyone is doing to save a penny or two, and it got me thinking about Christmas! Every year the family exchanges gifts to the nieces and nephews and picks one name from the hat and buys a $50 gift for that person. Also every year the kids get together and chip in on a gift for my DH parents, but they never expect that we will refuse to pay for part of that gift. In 2006 i was greeted to a very alarming phone call about the gift for the In-laws. PlEASE pay $98.00 for your portion for this gift!.. I was appalled! i never spend that kind of money on any one! so the very next year i set out ON a frugal Adventure, how to make it better!!!

I started to make homemade soaps, and candles and even salt water taffy, i created a homemade gift basket for less than $25 with baking and treats tucked inside. This year i have decided to try my hand at making Ribbon wreaths for the mothers, have bought all the materials for two and it is around $25.00 each wreath plus my time and effort

Still need to get an idea for the Fathers and have no idea where to start!..a suggestion for this would be great!

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buy NOW at end of season!
Saturday, September 18, 2010 | By MzScarlett

If you BUY out of SEASON, you can get FANTASTIC savings! I used to tell folks: I make THEM pay ME to take it off their hands! In summer, get the 25 cents for knit hat, scarf and mittens! keep WATCHING til they get to the price YOU want to pay!

At the dollar store here in town, keep checking around the end of Feb and first part of March; they get in a supply of $1 bird feeders: both "tube" type and hummingbird feeders; also they get in a great supply of various size and colored pots, including hanging. WATCH for them!

We actually have 2 dollar stores here in the town where I live; and they get different things; I KNOW where to watch for the pots and bird feeders; these make GREAT gifts as well folks;  and you can easily pick up ever bearing BARE ROOT strawberries, around the end of Feb, which can be easily planted in hanging pots and make great mothers day and Easter gifts; who does NOT love strawberries!

Summer clothing is now 75 percent off; and keep checking Fred Meyers will have 50 percent off or 70 percent off their LOWEST MARKED PRICES!  Bought $80 coats for my grandkids for $7 EACH this way in March! (winter coats)

A beautiful white down comforter that came in package from QVC, originally $80 in thrift shop; picked up for daughters birthday in hot summer when was 50 percent OFF the reduced price tag of $20! so I got a $150 down comforter for $10 in the HOT DOG DAYS of AUGUST!

Got planting pots at a store (Rite Aid) who had some for 50 percent off; then waited and sure enough they had an EXTRA 25 percent OFF the already REDUCED price of 50 percent off!  Was able to get some beautiful URN shaped planters this way; good sized ones for less than $4 each!  THIS is the TIME also to CHECK OUT the 75 percent off prices (at SOME stores!) and pick up  wind chimes, etc, for gifts: for $2 or so! DO have a "drawer" or a box JUST for present items; if you BUY throughout the YEAR you will NOT have to pay DEAR or feel any guilt at all when holidays roll around!

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moms birthday is June 24th!!! no gift!!!
Friday, June 04, 2010 | By Anonymous

My mom's birthday is is June 24th,she will be turning 44 i think...she wants silver hoop earrings, I'll get her that....but what else?? My dad's going to be out of town on her birthday, but my aunt will be in town. I'm making her German chocolate cake and a card! I need some ideas...HELP!!!!! by the way I'm not old enough to drive!!


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coke points
Saturday, May 08, 2010 | By lukasayers1

send your coke cap codes to to get a special reward.

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Sunday, July 12, 2009 | By misskarin323

So I am currently a stay at home mom with 3 year old twin boys.  I enjoy my time with them very much.  But with the economy the way it is today, and only having one income, money can get a little tight.

In my spare time, I love spending time on the internet.  I found various ways to earn free stuff on the internet.  Which helps me continue to stay at home with my boys.  

I wanted to share some of the ways with others.

The first site I want to tell you about is   This is a great site, and I am so thankful that I found it.  It is a trade site where you connect with other moms all over the United States.  And trade items with them.  From baby and toddler clothes, books and toys to household items.  It is a great way to recycle your gently used items for other needed items.  I have gotten so much great stuff off of there for my kids.  And everyone there is so friendly!!  With this site, they use a point system.  So NO MONEY is ever exchanged between traders.  That helps keep it simple.  I encourage you check out the site!!  My referral code is:  657A7E2B  But it is not necessary to use.

Another great site is   Now this site is a little more confusing, but you can earn the most amount from here.  Once you learn the ropes, you will be earning tons!!  My boys are really into Thomas the train.  And within 2 short months, I was able to get tons of brand new items for them from   I have gotten them Thomas the Train bedding, trains, playsets, other toys and dvds.  Thomas the Train items are a little on the expensive side.  So I am extremely thankful that I found this site, because it allows me to be able to buy them things I cannot afford.   There are several ways to earn through this site.  You can try your luck with the games, take daily surveys, OR complete 100% completely free offers.  Just make sure you register using VALID information.  And set up another email for completing offers because they will spam you!!  It is completely worth it though because you earn points which can be redeemed for ANYTHING on  Please check it out and start earning today.

Another one of my personal favorite sites in   This is more of an entertainment site.  But it is free (you can upgrade your membership for a small fee but it is not necessary).  Its basically just a game site, but you can earn small amount gift cards just from earning points.  I am very addicted to the game "Slot Social".   When registering, please use "misskarin323" as your referral.

ClearVoiceSurvyes and Lightspeedpanel and survey sites that let you earn Amazon gift cards.  Lightspeedpanel is basically just your typical survey site.  You can earn more than just Amazon gift cards from there.  (that is just my personal preference.)  You can earn other gift cards and prizes.  Or even cash out to your paypal account. is something new that I have just discovered.  With this site, you have to do a required amount of "work" to earn your gift card.  Which includes taking their survey or participating in a discussion.  It is based on weekly requirements.  The surveys are more like questionnaires and aren't very long at all.  I spent maybe a total of 10 minutes a week on this site.  I give my opinion on their selected topics and get rewared with an Amazon gift card. is a search engine.  By doing your average, everyday randomly win Swagbucks.  When you earn enough swagbucks, you can cash out for gift cards OR prizes.  This site also has SwagCodes and randomly hour winners.


These sites are worth checking out.  Especially if you enjoy spending on   Happy shopping people!!









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