shower glass cleaner
Saturday, October 30, 2010 | By judy Kiley
I tried the baby shampoo to clean my glass shower door. It worked ! Looks great. Thanks for the idea
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Over It
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 | By savannasmommy1989
My days off always consist of cleaning the house. I feel that I do 80 percent of the chores but Seth disagrees. I just feel like it should be equal, we both work and take care of Savanna so we should both be doing the same amount of work around the house. What can I do though. There are far worse flaws he could have besides being addicted to video games and being lazy. He is a good guy otherwise to me. But you know they say love is blind so maybe thats just my blinders talking. Savanna might be coming down with a cold. Her nose has been running, if thats the case this should be a lot of fun. She doesnt sleep well at all when shes sick, and when she doesnt sleep well neither do I. She hasnt been sick in a while so I guess this is okay. I havent been sick in quite some time either, so Ill probably catch this to pay my dues. What can you do. I guess being sick is just another part of life, like taxes and having kids. There is just always so much to do all of the time and never enough time in the day to do most of it. I know Im not alone in the thought that there should be more time in the day or our bodies should need less sleep. Maybe its a mom thing. Always a to do list and always trying to complete it. I like things to be orderly but I hate being the one to put them in order. If I had someone to do the work with me dictating how I want it and when I wanted it done, that would be the life. But only in a fairy world I suppose. I asked myself yesterday what is this blog for? Or maybe who is it for? Afterall its on this kind of hidden site about something totally different than this blog. Its hidden and no one knows about it. I just wonder if Im writing this just to write it or to hope someone reads it. Either way, I like it and its so much easier to type than it is to write by hand. Its for me, its for me, its for me!
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Spring Clear Out
Tuesday, March 02, 2010 | By pamphyila
Spent Monday with my buddy Eldon clearing out the bedroom. Sortta spring cleaning a bit early. Earlier I had already started with a cabinet I had, clearing it of miscellaneous books - Some we gave to the thrift shop, some to keep, and some which I haven't read. So we moved on to another corner -
My buddy is unemployed - so besides helping me (My allergies curtail what I can do as far as dusting goes...) we paid him for his work - $ he certainly can use. Perhaps you have an unemployed friend or neighbor who would like to help you out, too. It really helps to clean up with a buddy!
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Mint Listerene for Cleaning
Saturday, January 23, 2010 | By Robyn Fed
I am adding this comment to this blog...I found out that listerene mouth wash was originally marketed as a toilet cleaner. So now I know why it worked so well!
I am not absolutely sure this is the reason that the hard water stains have been coming up off the porcelain in the bathroom, but have been spraying the problem areas with listerene, and something is eating thru the hard water stains.
I am so impressed because this was diluted with a little water...
Listerene is so strong...I have found a new germ killer for surfaces, my hands and the bathroom and then I spray hand washables with it and they come out of the rinse smelling like mint! I love it...
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Baubles everywhere
Sunday, January 03, 2010 | By CharlotteAbel
Everyones helping out taking all the decorations down. I was up bright and early this morning around seven banging and crashing, Bradley got up about an hour later and said I was making two much noise, really he came down just at the right time because i fell off the ladder when he said that trying to take the garland down in the stairs. Then Jamiee came down after being out all night with her boyfriend Paul, she had a really bad hangover even though shes only seventeen. she sat in the kitchen drinking fresh orange. shortly after Pixie came down and offered to help so i gave her a bag and sent her to take the baubles off the tree. Lloyd followed and I told him to do the same. Then when it got to eleven I went to get everyone else up, Alex was up but was watching TV in bed, Rhianna was sleeping and was very reluctant but did eventcherly slump down the stairs I'm not even bothering with Conner because he came in at 4 o'clock this morning so I left him. Liam and Nate were up and was on there Xbox again theres never bloody off that thing. Vanessa was up as well but dancing to her pink iPod nano 4th. that she got for Christmas and she stole all of Rhianna, Jamiee and Alex's cd's aka paloma faith, girls aloud, Taylor swift, Jordan Sparks, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Lily Allan and other people who I haven't heard of. Caroline doesn't atcherly live with us anymore so I dont have to worry about her but I still do Univercity is a scary place!
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Top 10 ways, to keep your room organized!
Friday, October 30, 2009 | By tennisdancer05
Hey guys here is some top 10 ways to stay organized with such a busy life you don't want to come home to a room that is a mess, which just leaves you more stressed out than you started.
1.) Make your bed, something so simple can honestly make your room look bigger and more put together, if your room is a mess start with the bed then you have a clean spot to start organizing your life.
2.) Put up a memo board of some kind, I use a stick on the wall cheap white-board it allows me to put up reminders and keep the post-it notes from attacking me with reminders when I wake up and you just simply erase it when you are finished with that task.
3.) Keep your hangers all in one spot, if they aren't hanging something up organize them to all be in the same spot that way when your doing laundry and have to put things up your not searching for hangers.
4.) Go through your closet every few months, things change keeping only things that fit you and/or you will actually wear keeps you from having a closet full of junk, more organized, easier to find what your looking for, the amount of clothes you have to organize down, and it feels great to donate things you don't use anymore.
5.) Keep a routine, right before you leave or come home get into a 5 min. routine where you just quick tidy up believe it or not 5 minutes can help keep you organized and your stress level down.
6.) Do NOT keep things you don't use anymore just lying around get rid of it, those McDonalds toys from when you were 3 do not need to still be thrown somewhere in your room, keeping only the essentials and day to day things will keep the clutter down, and the bugs out.
7.) Do not throw things under the bed!, organize your bed space, i bought a cheap under the bed roller that keeps things organized and easy to access and out of the way.
8.) Take out the trash, make sure not to leave excess waterbottles,trash,useless papers lying around the trash will create more clutter and not to mention make you look bad if you have friends over.
9.) Invest in the clear drawer, white( or color of your choice) containers that are on wheels if you keep your paperwork as easy access, but organized and out of the way it will less the clutter, and force you to keep the papers from getting out of hand.
10.) Magazines! girls I know we are all guilty with keeping every magazine, I discovered the best thing to do with magazines off a show, read the magazine, ripe out that one outfit page or self help page you love grab a binder and organize it keep a slot for just shoes, jewelry,clothes, advice, then throw the useless magazine ads you don't care about in the first place out it keeps all your great ideas from the magazines in one easy to find, organized in categories, and keeps the magazines from taking over, after a year or a few months go through and those some of those ideas or articles you have already used or are dated.
And good luck! ask me any questions I will try my best to get back to you ASAP!
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E-A-S-Y way to clean linoleum!
Monday, July 20, 2009 | By slw1299
I hated my kitchen floor! It's linoleum, white with black and gray in a square pattern. The linoleum has a textured, dimpled finish. No matter what I use to damp mop with, this floor always looked dull, and the dirt did not come up from the dimpled texture with a mop. The only way to really get the floor clean was on my hands and knees with a scrub brush and a few hours' work! And I seldom made the time to clean it in this it always looked dirty, it always WAS dirty, and I hated it.
A friend forwarded this tip to me, and I believe it is truly one of the best tips I've ever received! Foam Carpet Cleaner! I purchased a can at our local Dollar General for about $1. I sprayed the foam in a sweeping motion over about 1/4 of my kitchen area, and went and sat down for about 15 minutes. When I came back, the foam had dried up for the most part; I then took a Mr. Clean swivel type wet or dry mop with a terry mop head, (about $7 at the Dollar General), wet the terry pad and mopped up the dried foam. To my amazement, the foam had loosened all that dirt in those hard to clean dimples, and my floor was stunningly clean! I sprayed off another section, under the table, and let it "soak"; I sprayed a 3rd section after about 10 minutes, and proceeded to mop up section 2; sprayed section 4 and mopped up section 3; and finally mopped up section 4. I did dry each section with a dry terry towel after mopping. After hand drying each section, I was able to walk on my floors without leaving any footprints. After 2 hours, my floors had dried to a beautiful shine - all the dull spots, all the worn and gray dimpled areas, the whole floor just sparkled! I have a huge kitchen/dining area that used to take 2.5 to 3 hours to mop on my hands and knees. I was finished in about 40 minutes (due to the wait time for the foam to do its thing) and NO SORE KNEES!
I hope this little tip helps someone else. I'm amazed that the carpet cleaner does not advertise their product for linoleum as well as carpet for loosening ground in dirt. It is truly amazing!!
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Update on Closet space
Thursday, July 09, 2009 | By Craftslady2008
I managed to get rid of 215 tall trashbags full of hobbies & fabric and plastic canvas I no longer have time for into the trash dumpster last year & beginning of this year including 2 bags of baby dolls & stuffed animals. I am in need of some help, I don't want to get rid of any of my yarn, because they were so expensive in the first place when I purchased them and I have all kinds of colors imagineable into these rubbermaid containers. Roughly, I have 31 of these containers and I started making baby afghans, teddy bears for our local hospital & started doing Angel for Hope and I was wondering besides sell, trade or give away my yarn is there anyone having twins? I could make your twins an set of outfit for that special twins or anyone who just had twins or if anyone that is a single mother with a baby or child who can't buy clothes for your baby or child? Is there anyone out there that could use baby or child(ren) clothes that are homemade?
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Odd Sock Job
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 | By Monique63
Use an old odd sock to use on your dry erase whiteboard.
I don't know why I didn't think of it before because I would use kitchen towel! Doh!
Monique :)
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on the wall
Saturday, June 27, 2009 | By mom_of_chaos
Why is it that no matter how hard I try to put things in their place the children still f ind them and then ruin something with them?
I have had to put locks on more than one door in our home so the children can't ruin things.
None the less, I have craft paint on my walls that I don't know how to remove, sharpie, pencile, and washable marker on my walls also and don't know how to remove it. some is on wall paper other is on a painted wall. I don' t know what to do.
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